Tabata Intervals

Tabatas with Olympic lifts!! Now there’s an idea.

As for speedskaters, I read somewhere a long time ago, that they can do a lot of reps with even high % of 1 rep max. They are at opposite end of spectrum to weightlifters.

I would put speed-skaters, ski’ers, and maybe cyclists at the highest end of muscle endurance.

I didn’t read the link.
As for energy/cardio fitness,
Is this about lactic tolerance or aerobic thresh-hold? Are they practically the same thing with the same benefit?

why do you put speed skaters and cyclists, ski’ers at the highest end of muscle endurance.

speed skating is a weird sport as I can personally attest to. distances range from 35 seconds (500m) to 12.5 minutes (10,000m) with everything else in-between those two. it gets even weirder because every stroke has an extended isometric phase (during the glide) prior to an explosive pushoff which is unlike any other sport. add to that the fact that laps are skated interval style you generally relax on the straights and work the corners (where you get accelerations). a typical skate workout is to alternate periods of 15 seconds hard/15 seconds easy which sort of mimicks a lap and fits easily into one minute. the original Tabata idea (20/10) probably sort of came out of that.

but cycling requires high power ouputs for extended periods. for examlpe, tour de france cyclists are capable of 400w for over an hour

skiiers have to maintain a low position fairly constantly across the length of their event

that’s muscular endurance: maintaining poweroutput for extended periods of time

some bozo wrote an article called clean cardio for avant labs, suggesting power cleans for cardiovascular conditioning. poor way to get anything done IMO, great way to get hurt

see also: crossfit

Amazig how clowns find an idea and ‘translate’ it to their own particular audience whether it makes sense or not

Sorry, but I found the following funny…

“Last edited by MR SHUMON COOL : 1 Day Ago at 01:10 AM. Reason: BECAUSE AM F*UCKING MAD.”

Why the * ? :smiley:

Just the way i was feeling at the time, plus members i think 90% of them are computer generated members.

what do you think about wearing one of these while Tabata Training.

Retired russian hockey legend Pavel Bure, also known as the Russian Rocket, for his explosive on-ice skating ability did a session something like this.

It said in his book the “The Riddle of the Russian Rocket” that his father who was a former russian national swimmer had Pavel perform: 20 100m sprints full out with 10 seconds rest in between and then right after 1 set of 250 pushups.

However it did not say how fast full-out was. It just said full-out but obviously they wouldn’t be full-out if he did 20 of them with 10 seconds rest in between.

I think that you’re either a troll or an idiot

All the membersseem to be real- though I sometimes wonder about you!

afew people are going on about it there. I was just wondering if anyone had used one.



Well I am flattered.