supplements and dieting for 100

Wondering if any1 could help me on what kind of supplements besides creatine and whey protein to use.
My records haven’t improved since 7 months ago, even though I am training much harder.
I’m doing 12.50 in 100, but it’s not enough, I think my body needs something to boost it up.
And I don’t know much about what to use and how to use it.

Don’t worry about supplements right now. No supplement is going to magically help you run faster. What does your current training program look like? Once we see that, then we can see what areas you need to improve on, etc… How about some general info to start out with? What do you do on a weekly basis to train ?

maybe you should be looking at how your training. to often people run to pick up a pill i dont kno where ur from but this is the case especially in america. a pill for being fat, a pill for being weak, a pill for being stupid, a pill to concentrate. YOU DONT NEED IT!!! its the lazy mans way out of the problem cause you dont want to eat right and learn to train properly. discover the problem the put your mind body and soul towards the solution. get the fat american syndrome out of your system or else like most people on a diet you will fail.

yes, but im sure people can give advice that he can actully use and benifit from.
like sugesting some supps, to help recover ect ect

your best bet is to buy the forum review!!!

To start with: best supplement is eat a healthy diet (protein rich, valuable fats, the right carbs and lots of fresh vetetables and fruits).

I don’t know about that one :slight_smile: Drink a Starbucks Grande Coffee before training someday and let us know how it goes.

OK, but in the long run will one coffee from Starbucks drop his time from 12.5 to 11.0? The training is where it all starts first, then the supplements can come into play :slight_smile:

I can tell you that eating healthy will give you much more gains then supplements. Performance, as a friend of mine put it is 97% nutrition and maybe 3% supplements. And that three percent isn’t something your going to need to worry about for some time.

I started off 16 years old running 14.8 seconds. And I can tell you the biggest gains I have had have come only from my deit in the past couple of months, I eat 4-5 meals a day, 7 or 12 grain cereals and breads, lots of fruit, flax oils and omegas, eliminate all bad fats (trans, saturated), eat lots of lean chicken, fish, beef (in order of best sources of protein in my mind). Thats jsut a very basic outline, but I can get moe specific.

Pretty much I have dropped 2% body fat, now down to roughly 10% and have put on 15lbs of muscle. I’m currently adressing some injuries I sustained a while ago so I am going to hold off on my performance as of late :stuck_out_tongue:

Also don’t bother with milk if you drink it. Just get Soy milk (or soy juice if thats what you want to call it). “Milk is for babies”.

And one more peice of advice, keep at it, work hard, and train properly.

I don’t think soy is too great for your testosterone levels. How about no milk at all?

Agreed lol

Your performance has not improved in 7 months. Has your training been the same for those 7 months? What kind of recovery/regeneration methods have you been using? Have they stayed the same during those 7 months?

Has there been any increases in the non-training stressors in your life (work, school, social)?

Your body has stopped adapting to the combination of training/recovery/nutrition/life stresses to which it is being exposed. Therefore, you have to look at this total combination of factors and start making adjustments until you being improving again. However, only tweak at the margins. Don’t do a massive overhaul of everything at once, because you have no idea how your body will react to such drastic change. Supplements may be a small part of this overall tweaking process, but only a tiny piece of the puzzle.

In Speed Trap Charlie brilliantly described the training process as putting together a jig saw puzzle in which the pieces keep changing shape. Keep this in mind.

First of all, I should say that I’m a she! So no need to worry about my testostrone level and stuff.

I don’t have excess weight or body fat, I weigh 51 kg and I’m 167 cm tall, so what I meant was just something to keep me at my present body condition.

I have quite a balanced diet, I use lots of protein rich food (meat, poultry, eggs,…) I have plenty of fruit and veggies and I don’t really think there’s anything wrong with my lifestyle, I even get enough sleep.But I do have concentration problems at my training seesions.

What are your workouts like? I am betting that the members on the forum here could make a few tweaks and get your time down with just altering them a bit.

Oh you’re a she… My mistake if I made it out the wrong way! :slight_smile:

My workouts go like this: 2 days a week, I work weights, the other 4days, I practice once a day which usually consists of once a week of plyometrics, 1day of long jump and short distance sprinting (10m to 100m) and 2 days of general sprinting training. For example, I had 10*200m (32-33 seconds) with 100m rest on Tuesday.
I get too tired, too early!! if I run one 200m (29seconds) I just can’t keep up the pace after!
That’s why I’m looking for supplements.

Overdistance traing has helped me a butt load.

Running 300’s and 400’s when training for the 100 and 200 has allowed me to condition myself to run FARTHER than I need, preventing me from becoming fatigued before the finish of my race.