
It seems that from last studies, and new conceptions of the physiology, Supercompensation never has not existed but more it would be corrected to speak than “adaptations” to the types of job that is wanted to be carried out… esisono compatible types of job between they, of it exist not compatible others, their combination or sommazione determines different times of recovery after which the “adaptations” are found…

I’m sorry Davids, but I have a hard time understanding what you are trying to say.

I think something like this is meant:

It seems from the latest studies and concepts of physiology that supercompensation has never existed and that it would be more correct to speak of adaptions to the type of work carried out.
Certain types of work are compatible while others are not, and their combination or summation necessitates the varying periods of recovery, after which adaptions are found.

Oh ok. Well there are alot of unknowns about peaking and supercompensation. So that COULD be true.

In part, we concur. Most of our early work is focused to adaptations, psychological as well as, neuromuscular. In some cases, the overload will barely result in homeostasis + levels.

However, when supercompensation is specifically planned for, there is no question as to the elevated range and scale of overload. And we have found that recovery parameters may not change from that of non-specific adaption work.

thank You for great “high density” post. Would You ever like to expand a little on Your very last sentence,discussion wise?


Primary recovery constants (duration, type, assisted/non-assisted) remain the same for general adaptation and specific supercompensation (comp prep) work. Of course, each athletes’ needs in this area vary (36-48h) depending on stim/arousal and training maturation :cool: . Females notwithstanding.

During transition, particularly at comp phase, secondary recovery constants are introduced, responding to increased demands (training+meets+psychologically-related stresses :frowning: ). Evaluations during this time are not just performance testing. In some cases, this period has exceeded 12 days!