So reading through many of the threads and trying to retain all of the info availabe over this forum (also already having gotten some help from others!), I’ve put a little something together,along with a few questions I have concerning numerous topics.
Monday - Speed–3x3x30m
Tuesday - Tempo 2x3x200
Wednesday- ?? what would/could go here?
Thursday - Tempo 2x300,200,100
Friday - Speed 3x3x30m
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Rest
Weights monday, wednesday, friday,doing about 7-8 exercises with either a squat or DL each day.
I know this isn’t much, but this seems to be what has been a common themre on the forum (2 speed days and 2 tempo days). I am a college athelete (without a coach at the moment), meaning we start an indoor season right after X-mas break, with outdoor starting in early april. I am a 400 hurdler mainly, while doing 400’s as well (I am probably looking at 400’s and 600’s for indoors).
There are many things that I am confused about in regards to training,ie, does this part of the year constitue as a GPP?,whether I should be trainging for speed or acceleration at this time in the year, among various other questions I can possibly ask if/when i can get a few responses.
any help greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!