suggest alternate squat workouts for a sprinter

Total what???

If I can parallel squat 400+ lbs with good technique at my weight, mirror or not chances are good that I know at least how to squat decently enough.I’ve always done it in front of a mirror and when you have a tool available why not use it?I’m not doing any powerlifting or whatever, I’m a sprinter and apart from the current situation which will probably happen once in a lifetime for me I could care less about bragging that I can squat the same weight with or without a mirror in front of me.

I don’t have a month or even a workout to waste just getting into the habit to squat with the same weights without a mirror and even if their is probably a good reasoning behind your point, to me backing the weights off sounds counter-productive in my situation and the fact that I could learn to squat the same weights without a mirror won’t make me stronger in the end or even squat in a better fashion, it will only make me more skillful at squating without the usual visual markers I’m used to unless there is something I don’t know.

My first concern is safety and to not aggravate my injury so I don’t compromise my indoor season…if you think it’S BS it’s your own right but thats not the kind of anwser that I am looking for so thank you anyways.

What will define me in the end is not my internet rep or what people think of what I can or cannot do in the weight room,it’s what I accomplish on the track and it’s the only thing I care about.

The only reason why I wrote down the numbers(if it’s what you refered to as BS) is simply because to be able to receive good advice,people have to know at least a minimum about your background if they don’t know you personaly…up to them to judge if it’s strong enough numbers or not for a sprinter according to their views as this is debatable from one person to another, so I’m interested in knowing the different opinions as to where to go from here in this particular situation.

I’ve been watching this forum for a long long time and I think that there are some pretty knowledgeable coaches and athletes here and I’m interested in hearing their opinions and experience if they ever faced a similar situation.

I already have great people around me but I like to keep an open mind when a problem arises and consider different solutions that we may not have thought about ourselves. I have only a few days left before my next squat workout and I’m after immediate solutions and I can’t afford to back off unless you are able to explain me and demonstrate without a doubt that what you are suggesting will benefit me in the long run…if that’s the case please expand on your comment if you are willing to share, I’m interested to know.