March 2, 2011, 5:15pm
I agree whole heartedly. Trust me, my kids are big and strong and I don’t just worry about speed. I think it is a collision sport and strength helps as much as speed. What I was saying was in response to saying squat doesn’t have a direct translation to ability to run, etc. It to me is an indirect relationship. Just because one squats more doesn’t necessarily translate into more speed. It builds strength, hypertrophy, MUA, etc. Unless these are honed, just being strong alone doesn’t make one good. I was just commenting to the post saying very little you do in the weight room is going to translate directly to sport as it pertains to the movement alone. The qualities developed certainly transfer, if they are transferred to the sports requirements. Obviously, at some point getting stronger or more powerful is going to give diminishing returns on investment, as increasing strength may only deliver a tiny gain in on field ability. Then it isn’t worth the effort to develop that characteristic any further.
Fair enough. However I definitely feel that a combination of resistance work, sleds, hills, and plyos do a lot to improve the first 20-30m of an athlete’s sprint. Maybe not Max V, but improving speed in the first 20-30m is very significant in football.