Strength Endurance As


Can these be performed after the weights session during SPP or is it best after the split runs and before the weights? I feel like I could do more volume of As without hindering the weights workout if I do them after.

We usually did Long Strength End on Sat with weights Mon, Wed, Fri. in L-to-S programs.
For shorter sets of SE, ie 6 x 30m, we did it before weights- not sure in retrospect if I’d do it that way now but it wasn’t a problem. Personal preference, I guess.

i agree, i dont see a problem during them before weights.

Charlie, question related to weekly breakdown. If you have meets mostly on Saturdays(especially consecutive Sats.) would you go with tempo on Mondays, speed Tues and so on?

Thats a good questions because i always feel stronger and faster on wednesday or thursday then i do on monday during the season.

How many high intensity days pw?

If 2 why not go

Sat meet
Sun tempo
Mon rest
Tues Speed
Wed tempo
Thurs tempo or rest
Fri rest or warm up / warm down only

why can’t yo do a few starts Thurs? Tues’s a ways off.

no reason at all

I think having sun off is important during the season.

what is your reasoning for that?