Strength Block

Before we put the blocks.

you said 16 weeks ?, do you have soon a contest ?

Contest in December…

…and after in March/April 2009:)


It is a possible application of the blocks system (Russian sequence-conjugate system) to powerlifting:

Block A: Morphological-physiologic strength.
Block B: Explosive strength.
Block C: Maximum strength.

In the block A the main objective is the development of morphological-physiologic strength, while it has also an introduction by means of explosive strength.

The means could be:

Repeat-serial method:

  1. The weight is 85-95% of maximum and there are 5-6 reps in one set. There are 2-3 sets in one series with a rest of 4-6 minutes in between each set. There are 2-3 series with a rest of 6-8 minutes in between.

  2. A series with 3 sets is executed as follows:
    a. with a weight of 80% of maximum - 10 reps;
    b. with a weight of 90% of maximum - 5 reps; and
    c. with a weight of 93-95% of maximum - 2 reps.
    The rest pause between sets is 4-5 minutes. In one training session there are 2-3 series with a rest of 6-8 minutes between series.

3.Complete 3 sets: 8-10 reps 80%RM, 5 reps 90% RM and 3 reps 93%RM with rest of 2-4�??. Perform 2-3 series with 6-8�?? rest in between.

  1. Four sets with a rest of 5-6 minutes between sets:
    a. in the first set the weight is 70% of maximum for 12 repetitions.
    b. in the second set the weight is 80% of maximum for 10 reps.
    c. in the third set the weight is 85% of maximum for 7 reps.
    d. in the fourth set the weight is 90% of maximum for 5 reps.
    There are two series done with a rest of 8-10 minutes in between.

  2. Slow movements in the eccentric regime with the load at 75-80% of maximum are executed. The very lowest position is maintained for 2-3 seconds and then, with the greatest speed possible, the concentric move is executed. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times in 2-3 sets with rest pauses of 4-5 minutes in between sets. Two series with a rest of 6-8 minutes in between are performed.

  3. In the static-dynamic regime of muscle work, the load is 70-80% of maximal. At the beginning, there is a gradual, 2-4 seconds of isometric tension build-up within the limits of 80-90% of the weight being used. After the hold, there is fast movement in a concentric regime. In one set there are 4-6 reps. In one training session there are 2-4 sets with a rest pause of 4-6 minutes in between. In all, there are two series with a rest of 6-8 minutes in between series.

Repeat-serial method wich produces a considerable increase in muscle

  1. With the resistance at 75-85% of maximum, the movements are executed slowly to obvious fatigue. Do 10-12 reps for 2-3 sets with a rest of 2 minutes between sets.

  2. With the resistance at 80% of max, do 3-5 sets of 8-10 reps with a rest of 2-3 minutes in between sets. If the fatigue is significant, the time of rest between sets is increased to 5 minutes.

  3. With the weight between 84-95% of maximum, do 3-8 sets of 3-8 reps with the rest pauses between sets, 3-5 minutes. If the last repetition in the set cannot be executed because of fatigue, a partner assists in overcoming the resistance.

  4. With the resistance between 85-90% of maximum the number of repetitions is optimal (to fatigue) and then two additional movements are done with the help of a partner. When the weight is lowered the partner does not assist. Two sets are executed with the rest pause depending upon the individual.

  5. The same number of repetitions is executed in each set but with less resistance in each set. For example, 65 x 10, 60 x 10, 55 x 10, 50 x 10. The rest pause between sets is 1-2 minutes. This variant is useful for targeting the small muscle groups which fatigue quickly or when the rest pauses between sets are reduced.

For introduction of explosive strength and preparation tendons and ligaments:

1.Squat jumps on two parallel benches or on the floor with kettlebells, (24-36 kgs.) held in the hands. In one set there are 8-10 jumps with sub-maximal effort. In one series with two sets, the rest between sets is 2 minutes. In 2-3 series the rest between series is 3-5 minutes.

  1. Bounds and landings.

  2. Explosive strength expressed with low external opposition: overload weight 50-70% RM, 10-15 reps, 4-6 sets, 3-4�?? rest.

In the block B, the main objective is the development of explosive strength, while it has also an introduction by means of maximum strength and maintaining of means of morphological-physiologic strength.

The means of block B could be:

  1. Explosive strength expressed with low-middle external opposition: overload weight 70-90% RM, 5-10 reps, 4-8 sets, 3-4�?? rest.

  2. Explosive strength expressed with low external opposition: overload weight 50-70% RM, 10-15 reps, 4-6 sets, 3-4�?? rest.

  3. jumps onto a box.

  4. depth jumps, 4 sets of 10 reps from a height of 75 cm.

  5. squat jumps with 40-70% RM.

  6. Complex method-stimulation method:
    Two sets with 2-3 slow reps with 90-95% RM, then 3 sets of 6-8 reps with 30-70% RM or shock method or squat jumps (with maximum effort and relaxing muscles between reps). Rest intervals between sets are 3-4 minutes. Perform 2-3 series with 8-10 minutes rest periods.

  7. Introduction of means of block C.

  8. Short maintenance of means of block B.

In the block C, the objective is the development of maximum strength directed mainly to the improvement of the central nervous system as in the competition and maintaining of means of explosive strength.

The means could be:

The repeat method:

  1. Execute 2-3 repetitions with the weight at 90-95% of maximum. In the session execute 2-4 sets with a rest pause of 4 to 6 minutes in between.

  2. After warm up, complete lifts with 90, 95 and 100% RM, then 95, 100 and higher, with rest of 4-5 minutes between sets, and the rest between the second sets of lifts, depending on how the athlete feels.

  3. Five sets are executed.

  4. with the weight at 90% of maximum - 3 repetitions;

  5. with the weight at 95% of maximum - 1 rep.

  6. with a weight of 97% - 1 rep;

  7. with the weight at 100% of max - 1 rep; and

  8. with the weight at 100% of maximum plus an added weight of 1-2 kgs.
    The last set is not done if the athlete has a feeling that he will not be successful. The rest between sets is 3-4 minutes. The five sets are repeated 2-3 times [2-3 series] with a rest of 6-8 minutes in between the series.

  9. Work is executed in an eccentric regime with the weight 120-130% of maximum for the given exercise. Four to five repetitions are done for 3 sets with the rest between sets, 3-4 minutes. The load is raised to the initial position with the help of partners.

  10. The combination of eccentric and concentric regimes of muscle work in the barbell squat with the use of separate suspensions are now being made. For example, the squat descent is executed with a weight of 120-140% of maximal. Two to three repetitions with compulsory relaxation and shaking of the muscles are executed for one set. In one series there are three sets with 4-6 minutes rest in between sets. There are a total of two to three series with a rest of 8-10 minutes in between series.

  11. Complex method-stimulation method for developing maximal strength: 2-3 sets of tonic explosive as shock method + 2-3 sets of 1-2 reps with 95-100% RM.

  12. Maintaining of means of explosive strength: jumps onto a box, squat jumps and shock method from 95-115 cm height, 4x 10 reps for development of maximal strength.

The basic idea is to develop strength first from the morphological and physiological point of view and then through the influence of the explosive strength on maximum strength.
The block A should realize decreased 10-12% of maximum neural strength indices due to the high volume of reps and sets. Then indexes of maximum force should rise in Block B under the influence of explosive strength development. And finally indexes of maximum force should reach its maximum in Block C because of the specific means of powerlifting competition.

What do you think of this model?

Yes, OK, I propose you a subdivision of this type:

First wo:

  1. Progressive ME.
  2. Hypertrophy.
  3. Dynamic Effort.

Second wo:

  1. Morphological-physiologic strength method.
  2. Eccentric-Isometric.
  3. Energy absorption.

Where do you come from ? (If you can say).

shortly (always if you want) I will explain well everything.

CSS is really not well suited IMO to be applied in powerlifting. It was designed to realize components of power and allow their expression in a specific energetic regime. (hence its use in many Olympic sports).

Powerlifting is one of the few max-strength sports on the planet. If you are advanced, and crave for something “Russian” look for some Sheiko stuff.

Can we pls not invent new types of “strength” ?

no, no is not mine is of J.Verko, see his article on strength.
He divides the morpho-physiological strength in 2 parts.

What article do you refer to ?

Yes thanx1000


You misinterpreted what those articles say.

If you pay close attention and read the text you will see that it refers to MAX-strength increase, and the first phase is dedicated to morpho-functional adaptations. Translated into a mundane language, it mainly means adaptations which affect structural factors which affect expression of max-strength, as oppose to later phases which target mainly neural adaptations. I hope I put it in clear words now.

Second I would like to expose to your attention the fact that the term “morpho-physiological” seems invented right in this thread.

What do you try to imply ? That neural adaptations are not “physiologic” ? this is a mistake

there is no such thing as “morpho-physiological strength”. The texts refer to adaptations.

I reiterate again: no need to invent new types of “strength”

The objective of the block is precisely that, long before the neural adaptations.

In addition JV told me that was to be amended in a progressive way.

I can call that also morpho-functional-physiological strength, is the same.

Did you know this article? For me you did not.

I invent what I want, without inventions no progress. It may become just a mental limit.

True. But be aware that you only complicate things and make egg - scrambles, to no end whatsoever, by twisting and confusing things.

It is of no use of anyone to call “black” “gray”, and twist accepted definitions. This is no progress, its regress. There is no such thing as 'morpho-functional-physiological strength".

Read again the articles. Make distinction between “adaptation” and “strength”

Please explain what you want to say. I dont understand neither the question, neither the affirmation you make, and I hate to make suppositions .

[QUOTE=Dimitry]Yes, OK, I propose you a subdivision of this type:

First wo:

  1. Progressive ME.
  2. Hypertrophy.
  3. Dynamic Effort.

Second wo:

  1. Morphological-physiologic strength method.
  2. Eccentric-Isometric.
  3. Energy absorption.

Where do you come from ? (If you can say).

shortly (always if you want) I will explain well everything.[/QUOTE[/SIZE]]
Ok expain you everthin?Thx

[QUOTE=Dimitry]Yes, OK, I propose you a subdivision of this type:

First wo:

  1. Progressive ME.
  2. Hypertrophy.
  3. Dynamic Effort.

Second wo:

  1. Morphological-physiologic strength method.
  2. Eccentric-Isometric.
  3. Energy absorption.

Where do you come from ? (If you can say).

shortly (always if you want) I will explain well everything.[/QUOTE[/SIZE]]
Ok exlpain you everthin?Thx

I aspect that Dan gives me permission. (joke).

Tomorrow morning I am finally free of commitments, and I can do.

I will send something here and another possibly in your e-mail, in italian language.

If you agree, send me your e-mail with a PM.


Ok thanx…