Stimulus for capillary density

Above 180 is seen quite often because of the nature of heart rate with sprinters

Do sprinters heartrates tend to be higher than the general population. Is this trend only seen during excersise, or is their resting heartrate generally higher as well? If so, why is this?

At rest the sprinters HR, as with most sufficiently active people, is lower than the general pop. which means we have increased stroke volume (SV) at rest. Whether resting HR is lower than endurance athletes I’m not sure, but apparently linfords was as low as 33, and mine has dropped alot since starting sprint training (47 from about 60).

WTF? 33!? That’s friggen unbelievable. I’m not sure I believe it, but more amazing things have been true. What’s the source of this.

You have quite a low resting heartrate Richard. When I’m well rested mine can drop into the high 50’s. I am also young (teenager), does that make a difference in resting heartrate?

At one point my resting heart rate was 37bpm. Right now its about 45bpm or so.


Miguel Indurain had a documented resting heartrate of 27.

Sprinters are often in the 45 to 48 range at rest- 33 is getting scary- below 30 and you’ll be hauled in for tests, and a pace-maker may be in your future.
Yes there is more stroke vol than the average Joe- but that tends not to be the means by which increasing blood demands are met with tempo. I remember doing a heart-rate test in college. The instructor chose the fattest guy in the class to run stairs with me (the only athlete available!), confident that his point would be made. he was shocked to find that my heart-rate was, in fact, higher- but within 2 min my HR was normal while the other guy’s stayed up for a long while afterwards.
In tempo sessions, I’ve seen HRs well above 180, a level that a distance runner would never approach with this sort of workload, yet they found the work quite manageable and recovered easily.

Alex, your resting HR will probably drop over the next few years so long as you keep up the training. I certainly would not worry about your HR - high 50s seems fine for a teenager. When I was mid teens my HR was about 65-70. I think linfords 33 came from his autobiography.

i am not understadning these crazy heartrates!!! i just did mine sitting here at my computer with my stop watch. In 10 seconds my pulse was 11. so 11x6 is 66.
Is 66 crazy!? my blood pressure is perfectly normal and i am healthy.
could this be why my heart rate is so high during tempo?

ok i will and post it tomarorow…

She’s the cause Quick…she’s the cause.

hehehe… :wink: