What is good height for doing step ups???
I figure at the height that your thigh is parallel
to ground???
I use a box which enables my thigh to be parallel to the ground as you mentioned. Lately I have been using the steps as more of a dynamic type movement where I have been starting with my foot on the box and driving the opposite knee up and actually exploding onto my toes with a controlled eccentric back down to the floor. I only do 3-4 sets of 6 each leg and I feel I am getting more accomplished than I have with out stepup variations.
Be sure not to push off the back foot. Thats cheating.
ewww…step ups…
I fked up my ankle doing them.
From my experience, im gonna say if you’re doing them weighted, be sure to use dumbells, and do NOT go fast
I agree use dumbells.
You can go up as fast as you want on the concentric as long as its smooth with good posture and under control. But as I said realllly control the eccentric. This will take alot of “core” stabiltization.
Step ups seem to be popular perhaps because of the percieved level of specificity to sprinting.
I use them occasionally usually during GPP because I find that they also help improve an athletes kinesthetic awareness of hip positining and knee height.
When performing them, I don’t use that high a box and try to ensure the hip stays high and the knee does not rise above the level of the hip (as should be the case when running). If the knee rises above the hip then the athlete will sit and posteriorly rotate the hip - which is quite common while running at top speed, especially for me.
Just my 2 cents.