YES, I do. They’ve named something like 69 people today and I read somewhere that EH was quoted saying he is hoping that by Delhi the Oz team will number close to 100 - so I think that anyone who shows good form (I mean, runs an AQ) would be entitled to feel outrage if they were left out.
I was in Perth following the progress of the NSWIS 400m FastTrack members and had the chance to see Steffensen and the sprints.
John looked to be running “low” but by god he’s got guts. On his background this season he had no business even making the final, yet he gets the automatic done! He’s a real asset to the sport, a “live wire” into the hip-hop/rapper generation. I do love him, but I still reckon he needs to filter some of the stuff he instinctively feels like saying because maybe it does him more harm than good. I also suspect he has that sort of mentality that he needs a bit of hatred to get himself fired up sufficiently to drag the best out of himself. He’s too nice a guy to hate on his opponents, so he targets “the bureaucrats” as the soft option.
I mean, I can totally understand his frustration but at times I think he just needs to make sure he doesn’t come across like a raving lunatic. lol. but you’ve gotta love his passion and his poise under pressure