Hi Jay,
what I do is, when the intensity goes up (in the explosive strength program), after it goes on its own for 2", I start pressing the + button. You will notice (if our machines are the same ) that when you press + or - during the intensity part, it will not go back to the resting intensity until you are finished cranking (or lowering).
About EMS routine, I try to do it two-three times per week (in theory…) strengthening in glutes, hamstrnigs and quads (all on the same day), and the days in between I do active recovery. I read someplace that the active recovery program also has capilarization properties, so you’re training while using that program also; I like to put it up to my limit (I have the MI sensor, so it tests my muscles how much they can handle), and it really tones them up nicely (I think )
Sorry about the drill that I said I will illustrate today (I shouldn’t promise such things to happen right away), I will do it as soon as I find time !!! No worries, it will happen…
I dont know how the hell you do this but I put it at 50mA and i try to go up and down but damn… Im too busy trying to fight the pain… I have to post this on youtube its funny as hell…
Anyway how high do you crank up the stim before you start going up and down.
Also how long are the rest periods?