March 17, 2010, 10:54pm
As an eg. going by the notion you give.
If lets say your generally capable of doing 3 sets of 10 chin ups - and half of them are say touching your chest onto the bar.
Then, after a Harsh workout, your struggling to do any chin ups, let alone get your chest to the bar, then i would say - forget Pull downs, forget chin ups or rows. Call it a night, get a good feed and a good sleep.
Perhaps even follow this up with One days off and One or two days of Tempo. Its time to recover, energize and Grow.
Otherwise - If one is just simply, Too weak to do chin ups - I would spend a good Month Focusing on them.
I get my really weak people, who cant even do ONE chin up, doing “chinnies” where you add a little JUMP off the floor with your feet - and focusing on really pulling into your chest, so your chest hits the bar.
I agree strength is General - however, i deff find that People (athletes and people training for real world strength) are better off learning to control THEIR body weight v’s a weight stack. The benefits are too numerous to list.
I don’t value any exercise that much, so I don’t care if it’s pulldowns, chinups, or db rows they work the back muscles. I don’t see the problem with using a different exercise if the athlete is tired, for example hang clean vs power clean etc no different then CF knocking off sets from the 5x5 workout.