
Wednesday, Nov.3rd, 2010

30min easy run (calf feels fine during these)

3x 12xSLDL’s
3x 6xhang cleans and then bring bar up (i don’t remember the name of this > snatches? )
3x 10xpull ups
3x 10tricep pull downs

Thusday, Nov.4th >> Flying to Milan, so no training.

I should bring the game up now… readers probably thing this is what my training usually looks like, but this is due to the calf issue, and my GPP and first two weeks of SPP were looking good.
Now in Milan, with colder weather and endless rain-days, we’ll see what happens… Oh boy =)

aaaaaaaaaa my head hurtssssssssssss. I’;m in Milan. I thought the headache was from not eating for 7 hours due to traveling (I get hunger headaches very easily), but after eating beans, and rice in grape-leaves and some cookies with green tea, I still have this headache that Dejan says is from the change of barometer, (which never bothered me before), but I am just going to shower and SLEEP now. Tomorrow I have to travel to Bergamo in the afternoon for some presentations (an hour-long train ride from here), so I will be doing EMS tomorrow morning. I want to make sure my calf rests this week completely. Enough tweaking and pulling .
I miss Dejan!!

Calf will need some strengthening.

did you ever try the protein shake I sent via facebook?
if you dont eat for 7 hours it will take a bit of time before your blood sugar returns to normal especially if you continue to train.
take care of yourself girl. Normal untrained people dont do well skipping meals and we all know athetes are not normal. they need extra all things;)
sounds to me like you need to get into the pool for a few weeks straight and settle this calf down rather than going back and forth and trying to push it? Maybe I am wrong but issues with calves mean other things as well that points to an overall body recovery.
tough to strengthen calves before dealing with the issue at hand.

did you ever try the protein shake I sent via facebook?
if you dont eat for 7 hours it will take a bit of time before your blood sugar returns to normal especially if you continue to train.
take care of yourself girl. Normal untrained people dont do well skipping meals and we all know athetes are not normal. they need extra all things;)
sounds to me like you need to get into the pool for a few weeks straight and settle this calf down rather than going back and forth and trying to push it? Maybe I am wrong but issues with calves mean other things as well that points to an overall body recovery.
tough to strengthen calves before dealing with the issue at hand.

I did try that protein shake Ange, and it was sooo delicious … and I even made it without coconut milk because I couldn’t find any, so imagine if I made the real thing… !
Now in Milan, I have no protein supply yet :frowning:

Pool, pool… things are getting complicated switching cities all the time, and having all these training facility changes and needs… I know calf needs to be dealt with before proceeding with training normally… The good thing about my new location here, is a HUGE grass park, where it’s really soft to run on (when I start running, of course.) Dejan challenged me to hold on with running until he arrives here next Thursday (he’s staying for a week). But I already have an easy-jogging date on Sunday… :rolleyes:

On another note, I don’t even know how long I’ll be here for. Maybe 2-3 weeks, maybe 6.

My life is so random.

This calf is gonna get better soon. I know this issue from before… statistically in reference to myself, it’s always related to my psychology. Naturally…

Headache’s gone after the shower. I wish I didn’t have to travel again tomorrow. blahhhh

Thanks for the support, Nick and Ange =) Kisses!!

Who wouldnt love a shake that makes you feel like you are on a carribean cruise…

  1. one scoop vanilla protein powder
  2. 1/2 to one cup of ice
  3. water or milk or combo of both
  4. coconut milk = so many different brands so buy a few and experiment
  5. fresh pineapple is yummy but canned will be great as well
  6. if you dont over blend this is really tastes like a virgin Pinacoloda.
    With all food and cooking etc. you need to play with the amounts and taste you like

Who wouldnt love a shake that makes you feel like you are on a carribean cruise…

  1. one scoop vanilla protein powder
  2. 1/2 to one cup of ice
  3. water or milk or combo of both
  4. coconut milk = so many different brands so buy a few and experiment
  5. fresh pineapple is yummy but canned will be great as well
  6. if you dont over blend this is really tastes like a virgin Pinacoloda.
    With all food and cooking etc. you need to play with the amounts and taste you like

noted :o… :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a European thing… Kiwi’s wouldn’t understand :stuck_out_tongue:

Whoever reads my journal now gets bonus protein drink recipes :smiley: Thanks Ange! Good to have it saved here.

Today was winding. I EMS’ed in the morning (35min explosive strength program on the hamstrings) - I wanted to do more, but I was feeling very strangely in the morning; my head was hurting,and my eyes were blurry, and didn’t feel like doing anything, until Nikoluski told me to go for a walk, and things cleared up :slight_smile: But then it was time to go to Bergamo, so I took another walk to the train station (35’ fast walk), took a 45’ train ride to Bergamo, sat down for 5 hours (while socializing - yes I was paying ‘full’ attention… , and then took the train back (45’), and walked another 35’ back home.

Now it’s 10.20pm, and all I want to do is shower and sleep.
Thank goodness it’s the weekend tomorrow ,so I can start posting some real workouts before people start thinking that I’m kidding everyone on here… :rolleyes:

Thanks Ang! Now I can’t get that song out of my head! Looks like a great recipe though. I’ll try it out!

Great training log Stefanie. I just started reading it. Do you ever go back and read it from the beginning? Looking over my training logs from the past is always interesting.

Thanks macsprint! I read the first four pages after you said this, and … oh boy :slight_smile: Enough said, haha.

First of all, what worried me was the fact that I wrote in 2008 that maybe I’ll try a throwing event when I’m 28-30years old, and now I’m 27, so that worries me :o (not). I postpone the age to 34, and that won’t necessarily be sprinting, but adding in more random long distance races, because I’m not so bad at them, for the amount of long distance training I do (practically none). But sprinting is the best, and I’ll always train as a sprinter - I just like the concept more.

Secondly, I dont’ know why the heck I was taking GRE’s after finishing my masters…??? PhD required GRE’s again? Oh well…

Thirdly, my attempt then to pick up the violin again and pursue my degree, shattered to pieces, and now again, and in both cases, the reason being lack of time. Now I said that I will do it after I finish my Phd, we’ll see… !!

Fourthy, I like how I analyzed things that I found important. It constantly still happens in my head; time to put things in writing again, because life does flash by like a light stroke and it’s refreshing to go back and dwell on its effects.

I’ll train later when the temperature peaks here. Kisses to all :wink:

agree 100% despite all the frustrations and hassles it brings. IMO (my opinion is never humble :p), sprinting and specifically the CF model is the best and healthiest way to train. By that I mean
CNS management is crucial
Always question the possibility of injury and ask, is it worth the risk?
Hi / low days and never high - high
Recovery is extremely important and needs to be planned
Run very fast (95%+) over short distances
Weights follow speed and are adjusted to how you feel at the time
You can never run too slow in the recovery sessions but don’t go over 75% of your best over that distance on that surface which should be preferably grass
If in doubt rest
Food is fuel

I know that isn’t everything but if more people who want to get fit and stay healthy followed that they would be better off. Here speaks a 48 year old in great physical condition! :stuck_out_tongue:

Great summary John
thanks for your contribution.
And you as well Stephanie.
Truth is Sprinting is an amazing way to stay in shape but proper judgement must be constantly managed as only a tiny bit need be maintained and managed to benefit from sprint training.

I am loving this journal :slight_smile:

Caution: it’s late and I’m tired and sleepy, for this following post, so I don’t know what will come out.

Saturday, Nov.6th, 2010.

I’m not sure I will get this change again in my life (I am one to believe that we chase after our chances, in a good amount of degree), but despite the momentary monotonous feeling of thinking over the same phd subject matter, from the morning until the night, and sometimes in my sleep too, I am truly grateful (is it Thanksgiving yet?) to have this opportunity of ‘free’ schedule, to structure my day around studying and training.
And dwelling upon the ancients’ virtuous life-model of taking care of ‘body’, ‘mind’ and ‘spirit’, perhaps the first two are fully functioned right now, in opposition to a grand majority of the human population, while the third will always be a constant struggle for anyone wandering on this planet earth.

With that being said, I wanted to share the fact that I really enjoy my research; it’s a combination of things I like, minus the training, and I find it a real challenge. It deals with the structure of public open urban spaces, definitions of ‘civic art’, and creating a new methodology of putting together quality public open spaces for the contemporary city. It blends architectural design, philosophical paradigms, form perception, and art theories. And this is important for me to note down, because all of 2009 was a constant question mark of “what the heck am I doing here in Milan”; needless to say that my presence here was a result of chain- events that unfolded not so harmoniously, accompanied with psychological mild turbulence :o

I’m probably writing all this down because I’ve been dealing with this phd all day today, from 10am until midnight, with a two hour break for training etc. Ughhhh :rolleyes:

But because I don’t want people (and myself, after years), to think that I’m a zombie that only studies and trains, here’s the latest painting I completed (about a month ago, but oh well): :o (it’s a Norman Rockwell reproduction)

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Ok, training, training:

> 25min warm up jog on grass (I love this park right near my residence - only two loops around for 25min)
> 10min dynamic stretching
> 5 x 30m A skips
> 5 x 30m B skips (I am doing these again, after Charlie told me to drop them, because I think I am doing them more correctly now, but I guess I should post another video soon)
> 5 x 30m running A’s leading into a 30m stride
> 5 x 30m scissor kicks leading into a 50-60m stride

> 3 x 4 pulls ups
> 4 x 10 dips
> about 200 abs (I was doing 1200 abs just a couple of weeks ago, I should bring my game back now… I wish I had a med ball here.)

Today was a “knee-check” day, and my verdict is: CHECK. :slight_smile: (but I’ll stick on grass for the next couple of weeks - my park has a short hill too - I know, I’ll be careful)

p.s. John, that summary was awesome…

I would be interested to see the final thesis as that sounds very interesting. I am assuming that includes city planning as well?

What role do green spaces play in your thinking? Also the use of gardens in building design?

No doubt you are aware of which from what I understand is pretty cool :slight_smile:

Hi John, I’d be glad to show you the end result. My goal is to try a publisher after I am finished, so I hope I will also have the pleasure of sending you a book with an ISBN on it :slight_smile:

City planning belongs more to the ‘spatial planning’ department, where my specialty deals more with ‘urban and architectural design’. The major difference is that planners deal with numbers, statistics, data, etc, while we deal with drawings and maps :slight_smile:

As for green spaces, they are important. :oHehe… Wow John, this is a great subject, and in my school (here in Milan), there is a whole tradition of NOT generalizing to ‘green spaces’, as there are all kinds of green spaces, and each should be put where fit. (a poor designer will name any open green space; ‘green’; but there are hundreds of things that one can do with a ‘green’ space… if you know what I mean). Gardens are also important :o In fact there is a section in my thesis devoted to ‘garden forms’.

Enough with that!! I thought I came to this journal to take a break from my work :stuck_out_tongue:

Sunday, Nov.7th, 2010
Rain… .rain … rain … rain… This city pretty much stinks weather-wise !!! I might as well have chosen the U.K., where people at least speak English… ?? :o

I trained in the rain. It was almost pouring.

> 30min on grass
> dynamic stretching
(the following were done on playground tartan… softest thing in the world… so nice!)
> 5 x 25m A skips
5 x 25m B skips
5 x 50m running A’s (tiring)
5 x 5x imaginary hurdle hops
(then I proceeded to the short grass hill - about 40m - still pouring)
> 3 x 40m hills (walk back recoveries)
I wanted to do more, but then an annoying man started climbing my hill, (no one else was around with that rain), staring and smiling at me rudely, so I jogged down the hill and vanished home, before anything could make me upset…
Sometimes I hate being a girl and training alone in a foreign city.

God bless the EMS:
> 20min explosive strength on hamstrings
> 25min active recovery on hamstrings
> 40min strength on quads
> 2 x 20min relaxing massage on calves (both were REALLY tight… that my left knee started hurting)

you have a history of attracting Mr Creepy Creeperson when you train :mad::mad:

So your calf coped ok with all that?

that is an interesting subject and sorry for talking shop :stuck_out_tongue:

Calf seems 100% with what I’m doing these days, but it just gets extra tight very easily ( Nikoluski was so right about stretching :o) and it bothers my knee, in a way that I haven’t felt in ages, so yesterday I didn’t train, in order to figure it out. I EMS’ed (relaxing massage program) the calves, and the knee immediately felt better, so I kinda know what’s wrong now (and I’m right :stuck_out_tongue: )


Monday, Nov. 8th, 2010
EMS relaxing massage calves
(pretty tiring day anyway, I was teaching in the morning and spent all the afternoon in the library, and then more research at home)

Tuesday, Nov. 9th, 2010

  • EMS: 2 x 20min relaxing massage on calves

  • 30min warm up on the grass of “my” park

  • 8 x 180m tempo (nothing bothered me)

  • 3 x 8 pull ups at the monkey bars

  • 3 x 8 chin ups (monkey bars)

  • 3 x 25min running A skips

  • 10 push ups

(embrace yourselves…) p.s. I did work during the following, as always :o

  • EMS: 35min explosive strength on hamstrings
  • EMS: 25min active recovery on hamstrings
  • EMS: 25min active recovery on calves (20’ break)
  • EMS: 20min relaxing massage on calves
  • EMS: 40min strength on quads.

Notes of the day:
> I’m really happy I met this Greek researcher in July, who lives on the fourth floor… He’s fourty something years old, and we have become great friends; the intelligence and insight of some people is so rare, that when one finds clues of this sort, should take a moment to appreciate =)))
> Fall is really pretty, especially at my park. I was thinking, while admiring the scenery, that if I wrote about it later on in my journal, it wouldn’t be the same, because the senses would then not be real, but only a memory. Which makes me crave on some landscape painting on the site, which won’t happen for a WHILE from now.
> Dejan comes to visit on Thursday =)
> I need water-proof socks. IMMEDIATELY. My park is always wet now. I hate getting my feet wet every single day. Do water-proof socks even exist?