starting speed

I work with college aged athletes, and I have a question to coaches out there. I was wondering if you could tell me if you think its essential to coach first step quickness, and if you think it will translate into a game situation. Your trying to train the kinesthetic awarness and what it feels like to have a efficient start (or first step).Motor patterns are developed, I understand, if practiced in optimal conditions. However, in an open sport such as football, baseball, or soccer, is it imparative to teach this? Obviously there is different planes that you are dealing with, not just the forward sprint. Also, is teaching general running mechanics such as a track dynamic warmup going to help as well?When it comes to a game time situation, do you think these learned motor programs get utilized during this time? I have my own opinion on this subject but I would like to hear your opinion. Thanks for your input!!!


Check out the GPP DVD for my opinions on the process of learning this task away from the stress of the actual sport setting. While the idea of quickness may be reasonable for drills etc, it may not translate into higher actual performance, for quickening the first step tends to reduce optimal force production. Concentrating on arm action and forgetting about the legs is a more effective approach.

Thank you charlie for your input. As always you have some inciteful things to say about the speed subject. I just bought your cfts book and I must say I am enjoying what Im reading. I was going to attempt to answer the question but I am glad I waited till you answered it. Thanks again.

Thank you for the advice Charlie

yes i think for fb you must work on first step quickness with your 10yd starts, tennis ball drops, starts from diff positions and strength training (fsq, tempo 1 leg squats, stepups).

So with Lacrosse and starting speed should I focus on arm action and leg action or try and add some drills such as Tennis Ball drops?