hey all! good question for you to think about and maybe share some personal cases… Not everyone has been climatized to the speed training that is mostly talked about on this board. I have heard 400m runners that swear on runing 8-6-4-3-2 etc stlye of workouts, that it makes them feel ready for the 400. I have also been at a program that thinks 100m runners need to do 600’s in the fall/winter. before that i was at a a program that swore by speed speed speed. What kind of attitude changes have any of you seen in athletes that have to deal with new training stimuli? Do they generally adapt, or are some still weary, thinking that the only way to get ready is to run LOTS AND LOTS?
it is hard as a coach and athlete to introduce athletes to new philosophies but everyone has room for improvement and new workout philosophies come out often. I think athletes react differently to different types of workouts therefore i try to do tests to find out what athletes are lacking and then try to work on their deficiencies.