How much does the average world class sprinter squat for max???
And I’m talking sub 10 second sprinters.
I heard Ben Johnson could squat 700 lbs at 180 lb bodyweight.
Is this true???
How much does the average world class sprinter squat for max???
And I’m talking sub 10 second sprinters.
I heard Ben Johnson could squat 700 lbs at 180 lb bodyweight.
Is this true???
His best was 2x6x600lbs and he weighed 173lbs during his peak (he was 178 or so during the injury period in '88).
But from what I understood he never went for max
Even 6 reps of 600 lbs is phenomenal IMO
That means his max was about 650
Probably alot more than that! Probably around 720.
I am guessing he could have maxed at about 770-800 but were these Olympic squats or power squats.
very impressive. I’m curious about his lifts as a junior, if they’re available (weren’t mentioned in ST, CFTS, or any Forum Reviews).
To parallel.
At that kind of weight going for max is very dangerous. First off to find someone to spot him because the weight is so heavy and secondly if anything happens and he’s slightly off balance and the bar falls down on him…well, ouch is all that must be said.
I believe he was upto 540 prior to 88 I forget the exact year.
Ben did 2 x 6 x 600 in 1987.
Any ideas from when he was a junior? (sorry it’s a little more comparable for us HS athletes)
[QUOTE=SuperSprinter]How much does the average world class sprinter squat for max???
And I’m talking sub 10 second sprinters.QUOTE]
I think it really varies by each athlete. Some don’t even squat at all (Kim Collins, 10.00 runner), while others (Ato Boldon, Mo) could probably squat in the mid-high 400’s, maybe even low 500. Then you have Ben who was up in the 600’s for reps. Crazy strength.
I currently weigh 180 lbs and can squat 550.
I want to get up to mid 600 or possibly even 700 by next year. This will hopefully bring my sprints under 10:2 or 10:1
But how can a guy be “weak” like Collins in squatting and still run sub 10 sprints???
Makes no sense to me.
Isnt it crazy for him no to train squats, think how fast he could be if he did.
I currently weigh 180 lbs and can squat 550.
I assume that is a rock bottom, calf to ankle squat? If not, please include that.
I will attest to the fact that a big squat doesn’t correlate to a big sprint! I know several world class (or former world class) guys who squat 400 or less and ran under 10.20.
Sure, it’s nice if your squat is 600lbs but it’s not worth it if you have to dump all your energy into squatting instead of sprinting. Remember, the squat takes 1 or 2 seconds. A sprint step takes like .09 seconds. Quite “non-specific” isn’t it?
Non-specific to sprinting itself, but very specifict to training for sprinting. Power is a function of max strength. One improves the discharge rate, the other the recruitment.
Not sure if this is the correct thread for this question?
How do we measure (understand) the difference between an athlete who is able to handle the forces of plyometrics at 4 to 8 times their body weight, and yet they are unable to squat 1.5 times their body weight?
I understand that mass is the measure of inertia, whereas weight is the measure of the force of gravity acting on an object?
Does the answer lie in here somewhere?
This is what I dont understand either, how come some guys can run world class and not have strong legs???
Some people say its the fast-twitch muscles that gives them accelleration, but how do you train those???
Canseco said to train fast-twitch you must lift your max heavy weights for low reps, but then how come some sprinters still have poor squats???
Another thing I read (dunno if its true) is that your supposed to have hard muscle fibre in your legs, if you have soft fibers you are at a disadvantage.
Has this topic been discussed on this forum, if so please post a link.
This is totally individual and depends on build type, training methods, amt of plyos, etc.
Does a type of build (stockey) necessarily mean an athlete has the characteristics you would normally associate with that build?
Would the use of hypertrophy training with an athlete with this type of build be difficult (adding more weight and size to an already thick frame)?