Sprint training without Squats

Are you during any sprinting with the 3rx5 stuff?

Yes. My sprint session is done first…then the weights afterwards.

If you can plz expand on the strength training portion.

Sure…I’ve gone basic:
3 week segments then test.
Bench@80% : 3rx5
Deadlift@85% : 3rx5
Overhead medball throws@3kg x 20r

Hey David, a couple of questions.

Assuming sound tech and 1RM around 1.5x bodyweight, what % of 1RM (and rep scheme) would you prescribe for building power and explosive strength using power cleans? Second question, what if you determined that a specific individual needed some hypertrophy in the posterior chain? What exercise and rep scheme would form the base of this workout?

Generally 4-6 x2r @ 80 - 90%

Most non elite Olympic lifters actually produce the most power at slightly sub maximal loads. It is however necessary to test maximums every 3 to 4 weeks in order to readjust training loads.

THis is generally sufficient stimulus (strength and hypertrophy) for the posterior chain but you could always throws in some GHR on top if absolutely necessary