[sports science] Asafa Powell

Just been looking at the you tube clips…i’m at work so I can’t hear anything…

I’m going to send the links to my Japanese friend and get her to translate.

Watch this space…

Much appreciated. That’s a decent amount of work for her though. Make sure you compensate her. Maybe set up a paypal donation account:) .

Thats a great idea…It will be a fair amount of work…I’ve just spoken to her and she has asked some of her Japanese friends to help also to speed things up…She has told me the translation of all the clips will be ready just after Easter (so early to middle of next week).

Wow thats great, I’m sure everyone here will truly appreciate that contribution. Hopefully the dialog is as good as the visuals seem to be.

Also not that this matters, but will this be a talk over or transcript form. I am assuming the latter, just wondering?

Transcript bro as I don’t have the originals!:wink:

that’s great news! :smiley:

I eagerly await…

Expe-rosive a staht!

I’m sorry, but I’ve watched the whole thing twice over and they must’ve said it 5-10 times. It’s stuck in my head now. :smiley:

whats with the MRI ?
btw check out his ankles at the start… talk about weak ankles ? obviously hes not slow so i wonder how crucial it is to have a shorter contact time…
i mean, if its longer that means ur body prefers to use more force and less speed and if its quick it uses more speed andl less force … its an individual thing, right ?

also check out how fat back tyson hits the ground compared to AP…
if we are alread ytalking about techniques, walter dix runs with this mad forward lean and has a sick top speed…

There are many ways to sprint I suppose… I mean, can you really watch a Dix vid and tell him he needs to run more upright ?

I don’t think Asafa was trying too hard especially on the outdoor track runs so I don’t know what you can gather from that. Isn’t that from the run where he ran like 13 in flats? Tyson looked like he gave it a decent go on his starts.

yea quite possibly… but you get my point :slight_smile:

Asafa isn’t wearing spikes and is going really easy–not sure how you tell form from that.

yea thats a good point actually i missed that … nevermind then :slight_smile:

Let us know if your friend is not able to do the work. I know an american that lives in japan that used to teach japanese…

Of course we would have to give him someting for his time…


A thought on the MRI and psoas sizes - Asafa has an incredibly small pelvis for his size, a lot smaller than the Japanese sprinter in relation to his size, therefore the psoas will appear more impressive than it actually is when viewing the scans.
The pronation the Asafa displays on the block would be helped somewhat be the higher block pedals used in competition. I wonder whether he pronates naturally on each stride and whether he uses orthotics… if he does pronate like that I’d expect some sore shins!!

I doubt he uses orthotics in spikes, especially when competing. With that much force travelling through the ankle and the feet, there would be very little an orthotic could at those speeds. Especially seeing as the base is not particularly stable, i.e. full foot contact with the ground.

Supinators are more prone to shin problems compared to pronators.

I have yet to watch this but it must be from the people that were shooting the documentary down here that I was at.

yo homies, whos the snail who negged me on this thread ?