Speed Training on Grass

Right now I’m finalizing my program for the summer, but I wont have access to a track until about mid-July. However, my training starts on June 14 and I wont have access to a track for my MaxV and Acc D work for about a month. So my question is, would it be alright to work out on grass with football cleats on (I do play football in the fall) until I have access to the track with spikes on?


why cant you use spikes on the grass?

lol mike.

As for running on grass - the type fields are made of - it’s not ideal, i hate it, you never get a descent/consistent reaction from the ground, but you don’t really have a choice. Max V and accl’s are a must so you just have to make use of the faclilties you can get when you can get them. You should be able to run in spikes though, leave the football cleats at home.

You can sometimes luck out and find a smooth grass field and you can make the evenness less of an issue by running up a very slight grade-2 or 3d.