Speed endurance the key to *all* 11/12second sprinters?

I’ve used fast, faster, fastest 30/20/10 (variation of a pick up drill) in the last 3 weeks of a 8wk gpp as a segway in to Ins and outs. The first two segments allows the athlete to simply get in to a good running position. Boo has a great facility and good weather year round so he’s able to do a lot more.

I have done that. I think it’s effective. Had success in 100/200 while doing that FEFE type stuff (out to about 130 total at their longest).

That is an option, especially if speed work is on the grass though I might be inclined to go FEF, FEFEF, and back to FEF because as you go farther into the program the other speed work becomes more demanding and would compete too much with FEFEF. This is of course is related to sprinters and Bo’s protocol would be more amenable for jumpers with shorter distance speed requirements.

I was at Crystal Palace and for the last 30m he was doing his usual cruise-in thing

And Bolt had run 19.67 into headwind in Greece before that 19.76 run at CP