speed endurance frenzy

Must be your opener. In which case you will run much faster later, I have no doubt you’ll break 12 soon enough. I mean I started off the year in 11.67 and a month and a half later was down to 11.15, just give it time as your competition phase goes along and you’re peaking.

i ran worse then what i ran on thuyrsday. I was warming up and felt a quad strain. Was scared to run but did, everything went bad. I dont know what to do anymore, im at an all time low cause i have 1cm short right leg then my left. NOBODY her e in vancouver can help me, i waste to much money looking for useless stuff no one is competent enough and my body needs work and i dont knwo where to start. I need to find someone in the states possibly to help me or find a way to perform a holistic art therapy or something in my body. I get injured ALL THE TIME, injury after injury after injury IT is getting to mcuh and am losing confidence in my path to being a world class sprinter. I cant deal with this not breaking 12 is killing me and im 20 years old, i feel like im 35, i dont heal as fast as the other guys. NOTHING…sigh well in this meet i came in last place, and i cant calm down cause i knew it was gonna be bad becuase of my strinaed quad which happened in the warm up…I knew it was over, i sprinted somewhat depressed. :frowning:

IM known for my start…Well ever since i started weights my starts have exceeded my speed endurance, but i thoguth it improved sadly it was figment of my imagination.

Senri are you in vancouver bc, if so im in richmond and i know some decent therapists

tell me surfer man. Also whats the price to see these guys, phsyios here are expensive.

Senri I have sent you a PM