Special Prep Phase

In terms of a short-to-long system such a set-up may be more appropriate later in the training year, once all speed elements are in place. I would swap Wednesday and Friday’s sessions, however (makes more sense in terms of CNS energy distribution throughout the week).

Coach luc, we go:
Mon Top speed
Wed Acceleration
Fri Speed endurance/special

We alternate the Fri work every other week. (Sp end/ spec end) My premise was to keep each component of speed to some degree all year around. We started with acceleration focus, are now in Max Velocity focus, and will major on speed endurance around new year’s. Of course we maintain the tempo on the in between days currently at 2200 meters.

I was under the impression that doing that type of training (top speed, etc.) early in your training is not good. I thought since it is most CNS stressful that in doing it you’d get “burnout”. Thoughts anyone?

I am in SPP though and soon going into Pre-comp.

Did 8 weeks GPP previously and now about 6-7 weeks into SPP.


Gov - You shouldn’t incorporate that work before SPP. What Chris is doing is good for him because he has his base and his done his transitions, so he’s good to go. But normally, no you wouldn’t include that too early.

ok 400, because had you stated differently that would have threw my mind into a big cluster****

Anyway, in GPP you work on Speed End. and Endurance, and other general phases of your training. Then starting in SPP, when your fitness is good, you can start your short speed/top speed work, correct?

And if so is this the same for 100/200 runners as well as 400 runners?

GPP is too early to incorporate speed end. unless you have a really advanced, well-developed athlete running in a long-to-short program. SPP is where you CAN (note I said can and not should or need to) incorporate speed endurance into your program depending on how your season is setup. Remember before, I don’t remember where, where I showed you the progressions? See if you can find that before me somewhere.

And it is pretty much the same, depending on macro setup, just a few minor changes (like SE2 before SE1 for 400 runners and opposite for 100/200 runners).

Ok, well what exactly are you supposed to be doing during GPP then if not speed endurance?

And if you do NOT want to incorporate speed endurance during SPP then what would you do during this time? And why?

Start off with Int. Tempo during GPP and do split runs and/or depletion runs during SPP. These are lower on the CNS intense scale and still get you running fast for longer periods of time and get you better prepared for Speed End.

400 You were wondering about the long to short method. I don’t know if it applies but in xc we run, during the summer, BASE milage. That means we do a lot of low intensity runs that are upwards of 8-12 miles. So that means 2-4 times longer than your event. When you have a base of heavy endurance in like we did the more intense workouts can be done, like 6x800’s at racepace or 3x800+2x1200 at racepace (that one is tough!)

For somone with endurance in place short to long would do nothing if not deteriorate their endurance. But for somone with a larger base long-to-short would be better.

What are depletion runs?

And I know you do int. tempo (but only for about 4 weeks), so what about the other 6 weeks (if you are in a 10 week or more GPP)?

Depletion Runs - 250/30sec./3x60m is an example of a rep.

Why do you need more than 8 weeks for GPP? That’s way too long.

Even for someone who has never trained before or has done nothing over the summer or (in my case) someone who has not trained in about 2 years?

So would more examples of depletion runs be:

Isn’t this very similar to split runs?

What is the primary objective(s) of a depletion run?

Don’t go through a full GPP then. Going from nothing to a lot real fast is bad. It’s an injury waiting to happen. Trust me, I know it from personal experience. Do some off-season things 2-3 times a week to get back in running shape and get used to running before jumping into a GPP. That’s what I’m doing and you’ll notice that you’ll have some form deficiencies and things you need to address. This time allows you to work on these things without wasting good training time on re-teaching yourself basics.

An example depletion run day…

That’s an entire session. There is full recovery after each “rep”.

They are very similar to similar to split runs and their main purpose is to get the body used to LA while at higher speeds, plus they help 400m runners learn to run fast and “strike” when fatigued. They are a great lead-in to split runs which, in essence, are just SE runs broken down.

If you want more info on depletion runs, e-mail or PM kitkat on them. He’s the one I learned about them from.

Thanks again 400,
One more question though. what is and/or would be the recovery time between the 60s for the depletion runs?

You’ll love this…

Only a walkback rest.

These are going to burn, so be prepared. :smiley:

I do love it!!! Thanks 400

Anytime buddy. :wink:

You said for my GPP 8 weeks is sufficient. Well I do IT for the last 4 weeks of that. What would I do the first 4 weeks on M-W-F (obviously on T-Th I’d be doing ext. tempo)?

Acc. Dev. on Monday, Hills on Friday and maybe just take the day off on Wednesday, or do triples (see Chris30 for details).