Some fast/slow assumptions

Okay, my first post on this great site!

Probable the subject has already been discussed, however I couldn’ t find it in a résumé sort of way like beneath.

The Goal: to run the 100 as quick as possible, or to throw the discus and to put the shot as far as possible
Of course, man has to train al lot on the track or in the field to improve.

But, next to that, there is the weightroom (in the case of a quick 100, since Kim Collins, you could argue if it’s still necessary to work with the weights…, but that’s another topic)

Of course, the inborn fast/slow fiber ratio, which is in itself hardly to change, will taken for granted.

4 assumptions:

  1. The only fibers who could help me reach The Goal, are the fast type 2 fibers. The slow type 1 fibers aren’t quick enough to support the sprint or throw actions, wich has a duration from only 2 respectively 11 sec.

For this reason, I have to try during the weight-sessions to only practice sets and reps wich will train, affect the type 2.

  1. Man have to prevent for another reason the growth of type 1, because when they grow , the available space in the musclecell for the the type 2 is for a long or short period diminished

  2. Type 2 fibers especially grow when
    -the load I lift is in a range of +/- 50 %., and executed the concentric (and eccentric?) way as fast as possible. The only fibers I use in these exercises (primarily bench and squat) are the type 2, because the type 1 are to slow to take part on the exercise at this speed
    -the load I lift is at a level of 85 or 90 % or more, because the load is now to heavy and the reps are to few for the type 1 to take part.


  1. It isn’t possible to train far more 2 than 1 fibers in a given weightsession, because the more difficult to recrutate type 2 fibers, will only contribute to the training when the type 1 has already been exhausted, or nearly exhausted.
    So, in other or more or less the same words: no matter how you train, the first reps on the bench and squat are always executed by the type 1. This because the type 2 are stronger, BUT more difficult to recruit than the type 1, and will only come into consideration when the need is high, when the type 1 are at the end of their capabilities.

Any comments on these assumptions, leave knowing!

I think it is possible to recruit a lot of fast fibres in the first rep especialy if the concentric rep is of a high force intensity or at a fast velocity. Imagine walking straight up to a medicine ball and doing a one of throw to see haow far it would go. In that single rep you would be using fast fibres aswell. Bulgarian lifters often do single and double rep sets and though some slow twitch will be used they sure as hell aren’t rellying on them to get the job done.
Just becuase the body wants to “test” the slow fibres first and if they cannot meet the demand…
Those fast fibres can come into play in the same first rep/movement /action if they have to.