Single leg Squat Vs squat..

Yo dudes,

Do single leg squats if used in place of Normal squat, cause any problems other than-greater stresses on knees etc?

I have been using these for the 4weeks of my training and have managed to reach 150kg (330 pounds) with help of a smith machine (3x5reps). Strenght has increased like crazy and bounds/plyos etc have improved.


Dont rate em mate, haha! Hows it going dude?

Think step ups are good cos they involve the forward movement and therefore activate the hams more and this is definately different from normal squats; there is the benefit of stabiliser development also for you jumpers. Single legs squats are the same but without the benefit of the forward movement. Cant think of any problems really if you stay controlled apart from the stabiliser involvment in single leg weights limits power and strength development in the primary muscles. What do ya reckon?

Tell allyn what Ive said and he’ll tell you its bull!

Yo Richard!! long time no speak mate!

How are you, everyone has been asking where you vanished too? Whats going on?

Hope all is well mate and yo still training.

In regards to the single leg business, Ive been doing reverse lunges + step ups also to compliment the single leg shit and getting good results …cant believe how strong ive become!
(relative to what i was anyhow)

You going to be making any appearances at the track in the near future?



What depth was you using for the 330 pound single leg squats?, that’s a lot of weight.

Down to paralell, trail leg on bench.
this is using a Smith machine though, i’d assume you could minus 30-40pounds (10-20kg) if it was free weight. At 74kg - 6ft 2inch tall ( 162lbs - 186cm) is not so bad in my personal opinion. :slight_smile:

What do you do in the normal squat - must be a lot?

According to back expert Stuart McGill, bodyweightsingle-leg squats are a good exercise to re-educate the gluteal muscles if they aren’t firing properly. He uses them as a build up to performing regular squats with his patients with abberant movement patterns.