Haha, well it’ll help us learn so thats what counts!
Specific movements I believe can do both develop and maintain. In already developed, just in terms of body makeup not necessarily in terms of speed I believe it is more efficient to just use primarily the specific movements to create the optimal body structure, whereas in less skilled, less developed athletes a combination of both may be more effective for a time. So getting back “in shape” may bbe more effective using both.
I think I may have stated the heavy weight issue before. A. I believe that use of heavy weights builds up a reserve “potential/conditioning” that can be used to taper off of, B can be used though I would say somewhat suboptimally if it is not used in combintation with A to monitor performance ability, C still used for first 10 meters in my opinion.
D cannot break the ingrained thought that it is needed. Also I stated earlier that I just like having a bigger bench just for the hell of it.
A. I have gotten the same answer from others and my question is: would it be more efficient to build up that potential/reserve off of which you would taper or to use the extra time/energy/adaptive resources/etc. to make more progress on the specific track work throughout a given period of training?
B. Do you think there is a need for any testing outside of times/distances of the more specific track stuff?
C. Agree
D. Unfortunately, same here! And yes your bench is big
In terms of tempo, no I would still use what I am using now. Honestly the body weight stuff I dont quite understand partially general conditioning, partially has worked for me in the past and I’m just giving it a shot again.
The 800 type stuff I believe is better aerobically and is the only reason for doing it in the first place, and at the same time burns the excess fat as well without taxing my cns too much. Honestly for me I think some zinc and magnesium is enough for recovery and if i were to use exercise for recovery I would do it like the beginning of my journal with weights so that I could tone the body better. I dont really buy into the tempo for recovery. My body recovers great during sleep, if i wanted more recovery I would sleep more.
This and some of the stuff I just reread earlier in your journal made me think a lot and kind of solidified some hunches I’ve had for a while. I’m also not sure about tempo being good for recovery and I think that massage, sleep, hydrotherapy, supplementation (btw- you’ve found zinc and magnesium to be beneficial? do you take any other supps?) and so on are probably much more effective in terms of recovering. I also think that higher intensity stuff is much better for increasing work capacity and ability to tolerate more high speed work. Why do you want to develop aerobically with the 800m stuff?
Um I think i may have answered most of it, the high/low thing i think i have written down somewhere, either somewhere at the beginning of my journal where was the first time i started using split days where I was actually somewhat knowledge in training, if not I may have it written down on an external hard drive, I will look around for it and if i cant find it I will get back to you on my thoughts.
Sorry, I went back through most of your journal and found a few comments on the CNS and fatigue in general though nothing specifically dealing with high/low so I’m not sure if that was what you were refering to or not. Anyway, I pretty much agree with your rant on page 15 (I think) that the CNS is not very well understood. I also think you make a great point that the CNS is often viewed seperate from other systems of the body and that is a big mistake (of which I have been guilty many times in the past) that a lot of people make because everything affects everything else. Anyway, I’d like to hear anymore that you have to say, especially regarding high/low because you obviously don’t follow that.
Hopefully sometime in the decent near future aka a few months or so I can get together some of the stuff I use to come up with my training philosophy and write a coherent overview of my training system.
Looking forward to it.