Shoulder Injury

it seems to me that you don’t have capsular problems, simply because you didn’t develop a capsular painpattern…(which is typically for capsular problems). About the subchondral cyst…I don’t know exactley, but I don’t think the cyst can cause severe pain doin dips en wide bench. Cheers!

Well, I must not have told enough about my injury then I guess. My pain hurts worse now. It hurts whenever I move my arm up down left right, etc, and dips and Wide bench ESPECIALLY hurt it. Grabbing my other shoulder and then pulling hurts my injured shoulder a lot too. =/

Subchondral cysts are related to osteoarthritis…I’m screwed huh…

Hope the doc can say otherwise

Your subchodral cyst could have alwys been there injury or not. You injured your shoulder before? I assume, thickening of capsule does not happen overnight, it happens when there is an injury and your body decides it needs to protect itself and lays down scar tissue, thickening.

Still the doc said nothing about an AC seperation or Acromioclavicular sprain? I find that weird due to what you described.

Stop doing bench, or limit the range with a couple of 2x4s on your chest. Don’t perform activities that hurt, pretty simple.

As far as osteoarthritis, everyone has it some more than others. Athletes have it regardless of injury or not, our bodies are made to last 50 years at best, modern medicine has allowed us to live much longer. Degeneration happens, let the injury heel by doing things that don’t hurt, eventually you will be able to do all the things you did before with a slow progression.

I had an MRI of my shoulder and was told I needed to have a labral repair and capsular shift. At the time I could barely afford the MRI so I rehabbed it myself ( I was in PT school at the time and had already passed my NATA test) now I have no problems unless I do something stupid, even then if my shoulder subluxes it only takes a couple of days for the symptoms to go away. Its pretty simple I just don’t do things that hurt, back off my workouts a little, do some stabalization exercises, some light kettlebell drills and I am back without pain.

is arm swing action screwed forever once you seperated your shoulder. Cause i got boney part sticking out, and it hurts alittle when lifting heavy, but nothing bad happened yet. I do shulder excercise for rotator every week though. My arm swing seems fine for now, im just wondering if i need to watch out for anything.

The doctor said I could have had that cyst there my whole life as well.

He mentioned that there was probably inflammation in the AC joint.

Close Grip Bench doesn’t hurt too much. It didn’t hurt when I tested it out today anyways, but when I tried it later it hurt just a tiny bit. Should I avoid this lift totally?

Hmm, I can probably leg press, deadlift, probably Rows, GHRs, I don’t know what else I can do. I’m thinking of just trying to get back into sprinting, and see how that goes. Your opinion on that, please?

Oh yeah, if the cyst is causing my pain, how is it going to go away? I don’t get it…


Not likely the cyst is causing the pain. The cyst has probably been there the entire time, its the AC joint that is causing the pain. Don’t irritate it and it should be fine, return to activities slowly. Do bench but cut it down to 50% max, high reps and gradually proceed to doing normal weight/reps etc.

Go ahead and sprint, you will know if you should continue. If it gets sore from activities ice it. The best way is to perform ice massage, fill a paper cup up with water and freeze it. Rub this on the area for 3-5 minutes or until it gets numb. This is very cold, don’t stop until the pn from the cold goes away.

I read up on ganglionic cysts(also subchondral cysts I do believe. which i have), and I saw many things about people either accidentally getting hit hard in their cyst, or having a doctor whack it hard with a thick medical book or bible, and it would just pop and go away. Do you think the cyst is just overfilled with fluid, and I could try to get it whacked and possibly burst it? That’s what they did in the old days to cysts on wrists. Your opinion would be nice though, you seem to know what you’re saying. :slight_smile:

About the benching thing, even 50% MAY hurt it just a tiny bit, but not much at all. With a wide grip, it hurts a lot more. Should I stick with 50% and CG anyways(very very minor irritation) ?

Thats an awesome idea about the freezing by the way! I’m definitely going to do that, thanks!

Reply back please!


Those cyst that they walked with bibles were visible in the surface, and alot of the times they would come back.

Do bench at 50% max, don’t do wide grip. Maybe introduce DB bench to your workout or things like physioball push ups to work your chest. Just some suggestions.

Mine is visible. Now whether the protrusion is the cyst itself or something else that is not certain to me.

Thanks man! Tomorrows gonna be a nice barbell row and bench workout. :slight_smile:

I think I have the weirdest injury. Tempo runs irritate my shoulder((Doesnt cause sharp pain, more of a dull pain during the runs, and right now i can just tell the pain level I have is higher), but sprinting is fine. What the heck?

My shoulder feels a little worse today after doing tempo runs yesterday, but it felt just the same or a little better the day after sprints(I guess yesterday, but before the tempo runs). What should I do instead of tempo runs for a nice conditioning workout? I have access to a bike and a pool if those two can be considered useful equipment for an optional workout.

Thanks, Steel

Bump…any tips on what to do for fitness/conditioning?

Unlimited Steel, use the bike. Be creative. Hit the hills hard and keep the bike in a low gear. Sounds like flexion and extension of your shoulder is causing you pain.

I will read the posts from the begining as I am not familiar with your entire injury history except what I have read on the last page.


I think youve got a good idea there with the bike!

Thanks Tom

Hey people, i also have a little problem with my shoulder. I use to play alot of basketball,a nd badminton, and i think i damged my right shoulder doig this day in day out.

I think i damged my roataor cuff, it use to feel let i hada tiny spike in my shoulder, when i performed some movements.

My shoulder has recovered now, i have no pain. But i think my roataor cuff is very weakt, because i nursed it for ages, and did’nt use it.

I have recently started, aliitle bit of weight trainng. Just twice a week.

I want to involve the bench press, i also thinki should do meduim grip.

My shoulder feels, just alittle bit weaker than my left, and abit unstable. Do you guys think i should do roataor cuff exercisors, and just push ups.

And then after a few weeks, move onto bench press.

Steel, I read through your history and the contributing posts. Could you answer some questions for me? Are/where you a throwing or overhead athlete? Is this your dominant shoulder? How old are you? What was the injury that occured two years ago? How did it happen and what was the diagnosis?

My present thoughts are the subchondral cyst occured due to repeative subluxations or a dislocation of the shoulder. Remember that when it comes to injuries whether they are acute or chronic, there is never just one thing wrong. There is always a series of problems and compensations. The cyst is a degeneration of the bone. The bone wears away and is filled with connective tissue and fluid. Not seen much in the shoulder except in guys that really wreck their shoulders often. Its seen more in the weight bearing joints of the hips, knees and ankles. The cyst could be the source of your pain.

Further more, the “bump” you feel on the end of your shoulder where you think is an AC joint seperation may be what I call a
“psuedo-seperation” caused by tight anterior muscles and connective tissue and long posterior musculature. Also there will be shortening or contracture of the injured side trapezius and biceps. The injured side scapula is elevated and tipped forward creating a prominant distal clavicle, impingement, disability and pain. The intense pain caused by dips is a great giveaway that this may be the problem.

This may certainly be the case if the trauma to your shoulder cause you two months of disability. There could be a series of compensatory changes, impingement and degeneration of the shoulder.

My solution, you need to have deep soft tissue work performed on the anterior structures of the chest, pec major, minor, corocobrachialis, anterior and medial deltoid, etc… everything…biceps and traps. Reduce the tension around the shoulder and you may find you have a decrease in shoulder pain. You won’t reverse the degeneration but you certainly can slow it down. The only shoulder work you should be doing is rehab-like movements to strengthen the scapula retractors and scapula depressors.

I will try to find video of these exercises on the web. If I can’t find video I will try and send you a file with them on it.

I’m not very good at this however and still owe James Smith a video that is taking me over a month to get figured out.

PM me if you like.


  1. I am not a throwing or overhead athlete. I have done a lot of overhead pressing, such as military press and jerks.

  2. This is my dominant shoulder

  3. I am 16

  4. It occured either from front raises, or pec dec flies. Basically, I had way worse pain in that injury, despite it being for only 2 months. Pushing against my stomach with my hand caused great pain, raising my shoulder caused pain, and arm wrestling caused a lot of pain. I never got the injury checked out well, besides an X-ray maybe which showed nothing. The injury just went away on its own.

My present thoughts are the subchondral cyst occured due to repeative subluxations or a dislocation of the shoulder. Remember that when it comes to injuries whether they are acute or chronic, there is never just one thing wrong. There is always a series of problems and compensations. The cyst is a degeneration of the bone. The bone wears away and is filled with connective tissue and fluid. Not seen much in the shoulder except in guys that really wreck their shoulders often. Its seen more in the weight bearing joints of the hips, knees and ankles. The cyst could be the source of your pain.

  1. Well, I don’t think I’ve ever dislocated my shoulder ever.

  2. Isn’t it also possibly I may have had this cyst my whole life?

Further more, the “bump” you feel on the end of your shoulder where you think is an AC joint seperation may be what I call a
“psuedo-seperation” caused by tight anterior muscles and connective tissue and long posterior musculature. Also there will be shortening or contracture of the injured side trapezius and biceps. The injured side scapula is elevated and tipped forward creating a prominant distal clavicle, impingement, disability and pain. The intense pain caused by dips is a great giveaway that this may be the problem.

  1. I have neglected much posterior delt work I suppose.

This may certainly be the case if the trauma to your shoulder cause you two months of disability. There could be a series of compensatory changes, impingement and degeneration of the shoulder.

My solution, you need to have deep soft tissue work performed on the anterior structures of the chest, pec major, minor, corocobrachialis, anterior and medial deltoid, etc… everything…biceps and traps. Reduce the tension around the shoulder and you may find you have a decrease in shoulder pain. You won’t reverse the degeneration but you certainly can slow it down. The only shoulder work you should be doing is rehab-like movements to strengthen the scapula retractors and scapula depressors.

1)I’ll see what I can do about that, thanks

  1. I have been doing lifts that don’t hurt. I can actually do barbell rows with no pain at all, deadlifts without any pain at all, and occassionally ill be able to bench with a wide grip(worst grip pain wise) with practically no pain.

I will try to find video of these exercises on the web. If I can’t find video I will try and send you a file with them on it.

I’m not very good at this however and still owe James Smith a video that is taking me over a month to get figured out.

PM me if you like.


Thank you for your post Tom! It’d be great if you could get back to me with the videos. :slight_smile: By the way, if uploading videos is your problem, try or Both sites allow free unlimited hosting of videos.


Steel, at 16 it’s hard to imagine you would have degeneration at your young age. Although I knew of one young wrestler/pitcher that created degeneration in his gleniod (where your upper arm attaches to your scapula).

Degeneration is usually why you get a subchondral cyst.
If the cyst was there from birth it could be a portion of the bone that never fully developed. I suspect you may have some shoulder impingement by the movement pain you describe. I will discuss your symptoms and MRI report with an orthopedic friend and see what he has to say.

Any pain in other places?


I hope I don’t have any joint degeneration!

I just have pain at and around the AC joint pretty much.

If you could look into this for me I would be grateful!!!


Hey Thomas, have you gotten any news yet?

By the way, here’s an update on my injury:

  1. It has gotten somewhat better ever since I started lifting again
  2. I’ve been doing lifts that either barely hurt, or dont hurt at all
  3. Sometimes I can do a Wide grip bench without much, or any pain at all!
  4. I discovered a very painful situation though. Actually I knew about it for a while, but didn’t post it. When I am positioned in a lying down situation, like on a bed, and I move my right arm(injured shoulder on this arm) towards my head and behind it (imagine you’re lying down on your back or left side, and while keeping your right arm straight, you let your arm touch your head, so your hands and part of forearms will extend past your head). It feels as if I have some sort of pain from within, but something makes me think it has to do with/hurts the right-outer extremity of my right chest.