Shoulder Injury

Could be the swelling, could be previous injury, could be grade II. You would know if it were grade 3, it would be moving around quite a bit and even doing light weight activities would be painful.
Again if it an acummulation of old injuries, than its quite possible that you have a grade III, that has over time, although not greatly, stabalized itself.

I did have a previous injury 2 years ago, but it wasn’t even the same injury. That injury healed within 2 months totally anyways.

I guess it’s not grade 3, because its basically just a hard lump that is solid and doesn’t move. I can move my shoulder in my natural range of motion with a little pain, not much. It’s when I get to the lifting and pulling that hurts it a lot.

Sorry to hear that Blinky. These injuries BLOW.

What kind of high intensity work did you do while you were recovering? Could you do sprints, squats, deadlifts…

Oddly enough my shoulder feels pretty good 24hrs post injury.

Well, I COULD do them, but it only irritated my shoulder further I suppose. I could and still can not not work upper body. If I wanted I could squat, deadlift, and sprint, but itd make my shoulder worse. I was just spurting in lower body strength and explosiveness too, but I have to take off of working out to let this shoulder get better =/

Oddly enough though, last night I did 2 50m sprints(I couldn’t resist!) and I haven’t sprinted in about a month, and for sprinting on road I was shocked to find I might have set a new PR! Well, maybe not exactly, but it was one of my fastest short sprints ever. I just wish I could have followed my weight lifting program and then follow up into GPP sprint phase, because I could tell I was about to make HUGE progress.

My pain is weird though. I have practically no pain in the morning right when I wake up, and then by night time I have the most pain of the day. =/

Anyways, I hope your injury is just very minor, and heals fast. You don’t want what I have.

Do you massage your shoulder often? I’ve found that deep semi-painful massages tend to break up scar tissue with most injuries.

How should I do this? Just rub my shoulder everywhere?


i’m a bit older than you and after years of sparring and hitting the heavy bag and playing around with the weights my left shoulder (i’m a southpaw) started giving me all kinds of trouble. Being a dumb ass i just tried to “work through it” you know i’m a tough guy i can do it. Finally when enough was enough i went to my sports doc. Long story short, he went in and had to cut out a half inch of my AC joint( it had calcified from all the abuse). He told me to leave it alone for 3 months, then easy back into things, only this time when something starts to cause pain, try being smart and stop what your doing.

I thought it was funny as hell in your first thread when you said that close-grip bench’s didn’t cause you pain!!! Of course not cause your using your lats and tri’s :smiley:

I had 3 months to learn a few things about the AC joint. Lesson number one. It ain’t made for long term wide bench pressing. Period. Check out Westside Barbell Club’s training techniques. They emphasize narrower grips for most of their training, in conjunction with a elbows in and straight up and down bench technique. Louie Simmons knows his shit. They also stress developing back and tri’s. This combination allows their guys to bench massive weights with alot less stress on the shoulder and pecs.

My surgery was about 3 years ago and i have no pain at all now. Of course with the weights i don’t ever go any wider than my index finger on the ring and i lift using Louie’s technique. Another benefit for me is that has helped my punching power alot more than wide bench because the major work is being done by my lats and tri’s which are used in punching much more than one’s pec’s.

I’ve also found that by doing no direct shoulder work my power lifts are stronger. Think about it, do they really need direct work? I’m mean i use my shoulders in everything i do from skipping rope, to speed bag work, to squating.

If your x-rays show no calcification and your doc says your joint is just inflamed, it my understanding that you have two options. The first is to have your doctor shot up the joint with anti-inflammatory steroids. I would do this if i we’re you.Its not illegal. I had this done on my elbow about 7 years ago and it kicked ass. i was back in the gym in a week. If your doc doesn’t think you need this, then you leave it alone for 4 to 6 weeks. Take fish oil and glucosamine 2 or three times a day for those 6 weeks. As you get older you should be taking them at maintance dose anyways, but thats another thread.

Anyway, give the shoulder a chance to heal, then come back to it a little wiser.

And use the time off to really work on your legs, or abs, or conditioning etc. etc.

good luck


Well, I suppose the X-ray didn’t show calcification, otherwise he would have commented on it. This is only speculation, as he may not know what he was doing. But let’s hope there was no calcification.

Also, Close grip benching does use the shoulders too bro. I guess the positioning is just more natural.

Yeah I noticed. Maybe when I return to lifting I will do mostly CG for my ME days.

Will this anti-inflammatory steroid shot heal my injury? Or will I still be injured, but just pain free?
I was recommended fish oil and glucosamine by someone else too. I am looking into getting some!

Anyways, I tried squatting and deadlifting and I believe it only hurt my shoulder more, or maybe that was the powercleans(I’m dumb!!). Squats hurt my shoulder a little, so I guess they’re out of the question. Deadlifts seem risky. I’ll have to find lifts that totally don’t involve the shoulder, huh? Think I can still do tempo and plyometrics? Tempo actually very minorly annoys my shoulder, but it has gotten me more in shape. The sacrifices I must make… =/


If done correctly the anti-imflammatory steroid shot, in conjuction with a short rest period will heal the joint if it is simply inflamed. In the case of my elbow, my doc put me on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pills for two weeks. Nothing. Then he shot me up. Directly in the elbow. Hurt like hell for about three days. Then i woke up and no pain at all. Left it alone for a week. Then started back into things easy and have never had a problem.

Actually in the case of my shoulder i originally went in and asked him to shot it up cause the elbow healed so well. He actually did this before taking an x-ray. He shot right into the shoulder. Hurt like hell and after a week i still had pain, thats when he took the x-ray and even i could see the difference between the two joints (left vs right) Thats when he got out the saw :eek:

Best surgery i’ve ever had, in and out in a day.

Again, my doc’s progession was as follows:

  1. non-steroid anti-inflammatory pills

if they don’t work

  1. direct site steroid injection

if they don’t work, you got a structural problem

  1. in my case, “got out the saw”

make sure your seeing a orthopedic doc who works with athletes.

good luck


Damn, sounds like what I might need is the shot!

The NSAIDS aren;t helping at all. I don’t know why I’m wasting my time with this aleve.

Alright, see, I have a bump on my right shoulder where the AC Joint is. According to the X-Rays, he just said my AC Joint was inflamed. It didn’t even look out of place really on the X-Ray I suppose, but I can feel something pushing up. Perhaps it is just inflammation. I really hope it is.

I guess I’m going to have to wait at least 5 more days(he prescribed aleve 2 caps a day for 10 days). Any info on whether I can just schedule an appointment for the shot, or if I have to continue the full 10 days?

Can you tell me detail by detail what you did on the day of your injury. I would like to know everything including your warmup and all the other exercises. Also did you sprint that day or tempo?


I could tell you detail by detail what I did all day… but this injury was pretty much unavoidable. The forces placed on my shoulder were so great that no amount of warm-up or strengthening could have prevented it IMO.

I was playing lacrosse, saw a guy with his head down. Accelerated to a high speed and then shoulder checked him. This guy weighed a good 230lbs and didn’t see me coming. He laid down on the floor for a good few minutes until he was helped off by his teammates. I walked to the bench with a seperated shoulder. Then we saw each other at the hospital that night.

What a lovely ending!! :frowning:

Good luck with rehab, Blinky!

Thank you, thank you…

i dont know if i have a grade 2 or 3 shoulder injury. But i can lift weights fine with some slight discomfort the strength is improving though, but i guess im not at or near my limit to know how much its hindering me yet. It happened on rugby and now my collarbone is sticking abit which is evident, but i can move it fine and i have to change the cordination abit cause my arm is longer by an inch and abit. I know there’s alot of scar tissue near it but it does’nt feel as bad as few months ago, ART fixed it good enough i suppose.

What a mixed up ordeal. It seems I have a different injury instead.

I’ve got the MRI Results everyone, check this out:

FINDINGS: Magnetic resonance imagining of the right shoulder demonstrates the muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff to be intact.

The intrascapular and extrascapular components of the biceps tendon are intact.

There is thickening and redundancy of the anterior limb of the inferior glenohumeral ligament. There is no evidence of discrete labral detachment; however, clinically correlation will dictate the need for further characterization with MR arthrography.

There is a 1cm subchondral cyst within the greater tuberosity.

There is no evidence of glenohumeral joint effusion.


  1. Thinkening and redundancy of the anterior limb of the inferior glenohumeral ligament consistent with capsular injury. There is no evidence of discrete labral detachment, however, if further characterization of the labrum is required, MR Arthrography is recommended

  2. 1 cm subchondral cyst within the greater tuberosity[/b]

Any suggestions on how to treat this?

I think Firebird is right. Have seen a patient with same kind of symptoms a few months ago. (cause : use of too heavy weights during bench press). Sportsdoc infiltrated (possibly diprophos). After that I started to teach patient all kind of tubing exercises. Of what I know now - patient is fine and is doing weights again, but is still very carefull in doing bench press en dips. Cheers!

Heh, I don’t know if it is exactly a shoulder separation still. Check out my post above yours.


See, In my opinion there is some kind of seperation due to a ligament tear - I refer to your boney part on top of your shoulder. Normally, after this an inflammatory reaction occurs which might be the reason for you swollen cyste. Infiltration is indicated, while doing different kind of proprioception for the AC afterwards. Cheers again!


  1. Thinkening and redundancy of the anterior limb of the inferior glenohumeral ligament consistent with capsular injury. There is no evidence of discrete labral detachment, however, if further characterization of the labrum is required, MR Arthrography is recommended

  2. 1 cm subchondral cyst within the greater tuberosity

Perhaps the cyst formed due to a capsular injury instead?

How are cysts typically removed?
