Shoulder Injury

Unlimited Steel, I haven’t heard back from an ortho yet. I will try again today.

  1. Like I wrote, most times you won’t have just one thing wrong. There will be several structures that will have either inflammation, injury, compensatory changes and/or pain.


Thanks Tom.

Yeah you’re probably right about #4.


Any info yet Tom?

Unlimited, you still having problems with your shoulder? I just got an EMS machine and it works frick’n fantastic! I can actually bench more than before my shoulder injury. It’s really amazing from a strength and recovery standpoint.

It’s a lot better now, it’s just still injured. I think my shoulders are stronger than ever now though.

How expensive is an EMS machine? Where can I get one?


They’re pretty expensive. The one for $295 is probably the best machine you can get for the price. I have the 4000R model shown there.

It’s really an amazing tool though and you can easily increase your strength by about 20-30%. Here’s an article by Charlie on the subject:;jsessionid=1AB54A4575E2F69F7777E250D4AD8BA1.hydra?id=459574

ULS, I spoke with the ortho today. Finally.
Subchondral cyst in nothing to worry about. It means you have a little degeneration or arthritic changes. It’s not causing your pain something else is. As I wrote earlier, I suspect you may have impingement. Can you get to a good ART person?


Thanks for consulting with the ortho! You don’t know how much I appreciate that!!! :slight_smile:

So, the cyst isn’t the cause of the pain, hmm. I’m not sure if I can actually. Where are ART’s located? Like what medical group if you know what I mean. I don’t know how to find one =/

I have an update on the injury too. I’m stronger than ever in upper body, the pain sometimes varies from nearly pain free to somewhat hurting. But the fact is I’m still injured. :frowning:


P.S: Blinky- I’m going to have to save up some money and read up some more :smiley:

Steel, go to the active release website and look for a provider in your area.


Found some. :slight_smile:

Thanks man you’re the coolest