short to long

Tamfb, the shortest I have seen is 60 secs. Never longer than 2 mins 30 secs-3 mins from the literature i have seen.

Thanks, i was going by the article that was posted on the forum that mention 45-60sec. What does the volume look like?

Maximum was 5x5x60m averaging 6.5 secs with 2-3.5 mins recovery.

damn thats crazy vol.

They averaged 15 km of fast running (with intensity no lower than 85%) after a two week cycle. But it worked. The training was definitely short to long. They built up to this volume gradually.

seems like they did more int tempo then pure speed work.

Are you referring to Mennea’s work?if so…absolute speed was done in unloading cycles often…

That seems like quite an interesting way of doing things, and makes sense to me, as during the unloading period, the extra freshness could lead to higher quality during the speed sessions. Sorry to be a little ignorant, but is the information from an article linked to ths forum??

not to fast my friend, it really depends on how long the unloading phase was.

Depends on the different phases sometimes they use 6 + 4 days as basis for microcycle., sometimes longer…there are so many writings from Vittori…

It was plenty fast. I had it confirmed for me by Pavoni, who trained with Mennea and he confirmed 100 jumps over low hurdles followed by 24 x 60m in 6.3 to 6.4, then sometimes a set of 120s or 150s. This was speed, not int tempo.

Thats insane volume!!!

Yes, though Ben did 24 x 60m in 1985 in phase one for a time, without the hurdle jumps or 150s etc but with times slightly faster on average.
Ben’s times got faster each year thereafter and the overall volume dropped, usually starting with 16 x 60m.

How was the 16 reps broken up over sets and what rest?

I would assume 4x4x60 similar to his spp graphs.

So you are saying the length of the unloading phase determines the level of freshness??

Is this a very Italian style of training? My friend is out there at the minute for 3 weeks training, and there are lots of 60m sessions with high volume, like 21x60m etc. All run quick also, around the 6.5 hand timed mark. How is it possible to maintain that intensity over so many reps??

For example when following CF 3-1-3 max strength loading you usually wont feel fresh until the week after the unload wk; during the one week unload you probably wont feel much. Last fall I alt strength and power blocks after each 3 week strength blk i wouldnt feel fresh until week 2 and 3 of the power blk.

I would think a high work capacity would be needed. How fast is your friend?

The existing speed is as important as work capacity. 6.5 is easy if you can run 6.1 but a whole lot tougher if your best is 6.4!