Short to Long Sprint Training

OK that of course makes perfect sense because that is the essence of coaching after all.

This is exactly the problem. I think we assume some coaches are doing cerebral and intelligent things in program design to the granule level. When you go to Jamaica you are not seeing elaborate periodization. Talent and culture.

I am not so sure it is a progression like that. On this Ja sprint dvd the guy talks about hills as how important they are and how critical to Ja success they are, almost like it is a Ja institution to do hills and sled work a lot. This guy does hills in GPP, SPP and Comp. He seems to drop the longer ones in Comp phase to short accel distances. Lots of volume on the shorter ones still though. Does drills on the hill too.

I have no idea if this is how Franno does his but I would assume it is similar considering how this guy emphasizes how critical to Ja success they are.

From someone who would know, Franno keeps his tempo volume pretty high even into comp phase so he doesn’t seem to be following a progression of ext tempo -> int tempo -> spec end like some coaches do with tempo.