Second season

Ok - yesterday I ran my first electronic timed 200m and it was horrible.
Catastrophy - all I can do is try to forget it. That was 2004 - new start.

So I decided to start a training journal - comments welcome.

My plan for 2005: compete in a few 50m/60m in Jan/Feb, 100m/200m May/June, 400m/200m in September.

Age: 34, did one year Sprint training on my own.
Height: 178 (5-10)
Weight: 170 (offseason) - 164 (comp eason)

I got to work, so usually I can’t manage to train more than 4 times a week.
Basically for Indoor I plan to do sg. like:

Mon: Weight+Plyos
Wed: Weight+Plyos or Speed+Plyos
Fri: Tempo+Core
Sat: Speed+Plyos or Hills

(Main target is to increase explosive power, vert jump till the end of the year, acceleration up to 50m - the indoor track is short)

GPP (first few weeks) I’ll do hill sprints on Sat, closer to indoor comp, I’ll do speed on Wed and Sat.

Usually I have problems recovering…

The days I choose might not be optimal, but depend on when I have access to gym or track.

A typical week in October will look like:

Mon - gym:
Warmup: JumpRope 10x 1min skip, 1min break & streching
Hang Snatch - 3x8 reps
Plyos 3x8 reps: Squat Jumps, Ankle Bounces, Lateral Cone Jumps, Drop Pushups
3x8 reps: deadlifts, military press, standing biz curls (barbell)

Wed - gym:
Warmup: JumpRope or bicycle (20min)
Power Cleans - 3x8 reps
Plyos 3x8 reps: same as MOn
3x8 reps: squat, bench, bent row

Fri - track:
Tempo 7x150m, walkback recovery

Sat - outdoor:
Hill sprints 3x3x45m (90secs rest, 5min btw. sets)
Plyos 3x10 reps: same like Mon

A typical week in November will look like:

Mon - gym:
Warmup: JumpRope 10x 1min skip, 1min break & streching
Hang Snatch - 4x5 reps
Plyos 3x10 reps: Standig LJ, Alt Leg Bounds, Vert Jumps, depth jumps, clap pushups
4x5 reps: deadlifts, military press, standing biz curls (barbell)

Wed - Gym:
Warmup: JumpRope or bicycle (20min) & streching
Power Cleans - 4x5 reps
Plyos 3x10 reps: same like Mon
4x5 reps: squat, bench, bent row

Tempo 7x200m, walkback recovery

Acceleration 3x3x30m (90secs rest, 5min btw. sets)
Plyos 3x10 reps: same like Mon

A typical week in December will look like:

Mon - gym:
Warmup: JumpRope 10x 1min skip, 1min break & streching
Hang Snatch - 5x3 reps
Plyos 3x12 reps: Tuck Jumps, running Bounds, Vert Jumps, box jumps, DB arm swings
5x3 reps: NO deadlifts - only military press, standing biz curls (barbell)

Wed - gym/track:
Warmup: JumpRope or bicycle (20min) & streching
Power Cleans - 4x5 reps
Plyos 3x10 reps: same like Mon - from January 7x40m acceleration instead of Plyos
4x5 reps: squat (NOT after mid January), bench, bent row

Fri - track:
Tempo 6x200m, walkback recovery

Sat - track:
Acceleration 6x50m (6 min rest)
Plyos 3x10 reps: same like Mon

should be a week off, but went to track and gym.

FRI - Track (without any plan):
usual warm-up (1200m jog, 10min strech, various drills)
experimenting with the timing device, resulted in 5x25m, 2x20m
1x10 2legged bounds
1x10 running boubds
tried “hip explosions”
somehow i like it - you really have to be explosive with your arms, too

Gym: just testing 10 rep bench press (4sets)
(to get an idea how weak i’ve gotten afer4 months no weight training at all - not so bad)
15 min bicycle

SUN - Gym (without fix plan):
warmup - 8x1min rope/1min break,
lateral db raises 3x12 rep
again testing 10 rep in:
hang snatches (2 sets)

plyos (all 2x6 only):
squat jumps, two legged ankle bounces, lateral “cone” jumps over hurdle, drop pushups

10 rep:
deadlifts (3 sets only - puh, wasn’t used to that any more)
military press
biz curls

40min streching (new record - afraid of decreasing ROM)

was planned to be my second week off, but I can’t wait and decided to start slowly…

just a little streching (20min)

TUE - Hills:
10 min jog
3x3x45m hill sprints (2/6min break)
8min jog

FRI -Track:
usual warm-up…
3x3x20m accel (2/5 min break) - after doing the “hip extensions” i ran 0.10 secs faster. Looks like I really have to learn to be explosive…
1x100m single leg hops (100le+100ri), 1x8 single leg jumps on and off box (about 16 inches)
cooldown 10 min jog, 15min bike, strech

SUN - Gym (weight and plyos):
9x1min rope/1min break,
hyperextensiond 2x12 rep

testing 10 rep in:
cleans (2 sets)

plyos (all 2x8 only):
squat jumps, two legged ankle bounces, lateral “cone” jumps over hurdle, drop pushups

2x10 rep, testing if same no of reps possible after 90sec. break
squat (100kg)
bench (70kg)
bent row (70kg)

3x1min rope/1min break
30min streching

easy transition from break weeks back to training

WED -Track:
usual warm-up
3x3x20m accel (2/6 min break) missed target time by 0.11 (!)
2x100m single leg hops (2x100le+2x100ri)
2x8 single leg jumps on and off box (about 16 inches)
afterwords i felt that i pulled my back a little doing the 100m single leg hops.
i’ll reduce the distance to 73m (or drop it completely)

Weight - still experimenting how high I can go 10 rep with 90secs break only:
bench 2x10x75kg

cooldown: 15min bike - 10min streching only

FRI - Hills:
9 min jog
3+3+1x45m hill sprints (2/6min break)
bad weather, strong wind - had to stop because of cramps in calves (never felt that before) went home, took a hot bath, mineral pill, bcaas ;-(

SUN - Gym (weight 2x10rep, plyos 2x6rep):
warmup - 6x1min rope/1min break:lateral db raises 3x12 rep with light weiht only

hang snatches (2x10)

plyos (all 2x6 only):
squat jumps, two legged ankle bounces, lateral “cone” jumps over hurdle, drop pushups

deadlifts (2x10rep)
military press (2x10rep)
biz curls (2x10rep) - was the hardest, didn’t train biz since last winter…

Cooldown: 3x1min rope
30min streching

Plan: another easy week…

WED -Track:
usual warmup
3+3+2x25m accel (2/5 min break) was not explosive - tomuch beer yesterday
1x300 very easy, very relaxed in 40s (which is 95% of 400m pace for me…)
3x8rep bench
10 min jog, 25 min strech

FRI- Hills:
10 min jog
2x3x45m hill sprints (2/6min break)
8 min jog & streching

SAT- Gym (weight and plyos):

warmup - 10 min bike, lateral db raises 3x12 rep with light weight

cleans (2x10)

plyos (all 2x8 only):
squat jumps, two legged ankle bounces, lateral “cone” jumps over bench

squat (2x10x100kg)
2x6 hip explosions
bench (3x10)
2x8 drop pushups
bent row (2x10)

4x40m starts - very easy, very relaxed, no pressure at all - just trying
to get some drive out of arm swing and forward lean.

cooldown 10 min jog, 20 min strech

SUN - active recovery: Hiking 7 Hours in the Mountains 1000m up 1000 down
(sealevel difference)

WED - GPP stuff with Alpine Skiing group:
warmup: 25 min jog (!)

3min strech/core - 4x40m acceleration from jog/skip
3min strech/core - 4x80m sprint drills
3min strech/core - 4x80 ins/outs
3min strech/core - 4x80 ins/outs

2km (each 400m below 1:50, about 9 min total)

cooldown: 5min jog/walk

FRI- Gym (weight 3x10rep, Core 3x15rep):
warmup - 8x1min rope/1min break:lateral db raises 3x12 rep with light weight

hang snatches (3x10)

plyos (all 3x8):
squat jumps, lateral cone jumps, two legged ankle bounces

deadlifts (3x10rep)
military press (3x10rep)
biz curls (3x10rep)

SAT- Hills:
8 min jog
2x3x45m hill sprints (2/6min break)
8 min jog

MON- Gym (weight and plyos):

warmup - 8min bike, 2x15 hypers

cleans (3x10)

plyos (3x8):
lateral cone jumps, split squat jumps, two legged ankle bounces, plyo-pushups w clap

squat (3x10)
bench (3x10)
bent row (3x10)

2x40m starts - very relaxed, just technique
cooldown 5min jog

WED - GPP stuff with Alpine Skiing group
warmup: 30 min
60min curcuit-like sets jumps and hops over hurdles, on and off boxes, benches
mainly reactive
core stability, streching inbetween

FRI -Track:
usual warmup
3+3+2x25m accel (2/5 min break)
quite cold, just 9 celsius, 0.1 to 0.15 slower than 6 weeks ago :frowning:
will put in a recovery week now, one week wo weight…

SAT - core:
front: 2x+(2x)3x15
side: (2x)5x15
back: 5x15
abs: 3x15
total: 390 rep

SUN - Tempo:
warmup with drills
12x100m (12th was 150m) walkback recovery (60-80 sec)
all in about 16 secs - wonder if was run too fast.
Hearbeat was 140 immediately after the last run,
1min later: 120
another min later 118
another 3 min later 106

first tempo in a long time - felt great, very relaxed.

because of my disappointing experience last Friday decided to do no weight for one week…

MON - Tempo:

12x100m walkback recovery (60-80 sec)
all about 16 secs
felt “recovered” afterwards :wink:

WED - Track:
usual warmup with various drills
5x25m,3x25m,60m,50m accel (2min/(,=)5min break)
feeling better, faster - no idea if its true, left my timing device at home…

plyos: lateral cone jumps (3x10) standing triple jumps (2x8) - all little over 7m50cm - not very impressive, guess I got to work on the technique…

12min bike, 30 min streching

FRI - Track:
2x3x30m accel (2min/5min break)

plyos: lateral cone jumps (3x10), standing triple jumps (3x8), split squat jumps (3x10), clap pushups (3x10)


SUN - Tempo:
10x120m walkback recovery, all done in 18.50-19.50, probably too fast again. HB was 152 after last rep, 1min later 126, another min: 120, another 3 min 108…
core: front, sides, back, crunches, situps (285 total)
10 min bike

What did you run in your 200? What are your all time bests for your events?

Good luck with the training :slight_smile:


Thank you. Well, I tried to avoid to talk about my times yet, cause probably I’m the slowest guy on the board. FAT times are 24.98 (200) and 55.11 (400).
My 100m level is around 12.00-12.10 I guess…the level of the WR of the amputees…

But next year I’m masters age (M35) and I only had one season training (really sprintig for the first time) and the more I read Charlies books and the board I learn that I did a lot of things wrong. (lame excuses LOL)

The disappointment was so great because in training when running a relaxed 200 for SE I set my timer to 25 secs and started to the start signal I was at least over 205 meter when the 25 sec beep came.
So I knew I could run a 24.50 FAT.
But in my first real comp I kind of panicked when the guy on the lane inside me (I was on the most outside lane) caught me clear before half the bend. But I should have expected that - he’s a 22.5 - 23.00 runner.
So much for relaxation in competition…

So my humble senior citizen goals are sub12/24/53 next season and then 0.2/0.4/0.8 improvement every following year til I reach M40.
So a 7.5 indoors seems the minimum for coming indoors.

TUE - Gym (weight and plyos):

warmup - rope jumping (8x1min/min break)

hang snatch (3x8)

lateral cone jumps (3x10), STLJ (3x10), pike jumps (3x10) - I really like them did them first time in my life, depth jumps (stopped after 1x6 - “uncomfortable” feeling behind my right kneebone)

deadlift (3x8)
military press (3x8)
biz curls (3x8)

THU - gym weight and plyos
warmup - rope jumping (8x1min/min break)

cleans (3x8)

no time for plyos …

squat (3x8)
bench (3x8)
bent row (3x8)

FRI - plan to do Tempo dropped due to bad weather, so Core only:
core: front, side, back, twists, situps, crunches (tot: 480 rep)
streching 20 min

SAT -Track:
usual warmup
2x3x30m/accel (2/5 min break)
STLJ (3x10), running bounds (3x10), two legged bounds (2x10), pike jumps (3x10), 3x12 pushups w clap

Good stuff,

You and I have the same goals. :slight_smile: I ran 12.00 FAT after 2 months back at it but hurt my hamstring a few weeks later. That was over a year ago. I am finally getting back into again now and hoping for similar results. (sub 12, sub 24 and sub 54)

I think I am on track barring injury to hit those goals this outdoor season :slight_smile:

Good luck to you I am competing sub-masters M31 this winter.


Good luck for your upcoming competitions, too! Stay injury-free :wink:
Checked your log and found out you cut down on your weightlifting and the reason…I think about that a lot - maybe I should do sg. similar…

BTW: my further goals are 0.2/0.4./0.8 improvement - was a “calculation” error on my side.

MON - Gym (weight and plyos):

warmup - 10 min bicycle
hang snatch (3x8)

STLJ (3x10), pike jumps (3x10), box jumps (3x10 off 90cm (=3ft.)), two legged bounds (2x10), 3x12 pushups w clap

deadlift (3x8x120kg)
military press (3x8)
biz curls (3x8)

WED - gym weight and plyos
warmup - rope jumping (8x1min/min break), 3x12 rep back of shoulder

cleans (3x8)

tuck jumps (3x10), single leg zigzag hops (3x10), vert jumps (3x10), running bounds (3x10), box jumps (1x10 off 90cm (=3ft.))

squat (3x8x115kg)
bench (3x8)
bent row (3x8)
felt extremely good, everything quite easy, squats were quite easy, too.

FRI -Track:
usual warmup
2x3x30m/accel (2/5 min break)
tuck jumps (3x10), single leg zigzag hops (3x10), vert jumps (3x10), running bounds (3x10), box jumps (3x10 off 90cm (=3ft.))
1,2km jog

SUN - Tempo:
4x300m@70%/3min break
HB immediately after last rep: 160(!), 1min later 118, another min later 116.
Core - front, side, back, twists - 350 rep
1,2 km jog

Last weeks feeling of discomfort behind my right kneebone turned into pain.
Tha usually happens when I do weight and acceleration 3 times a week.
Probably chondromalacia patellae?

Maybe a flexibility issue - I’m no powerlifter, but I do not think I’m weak, I’m 1.78 (5ft10)/currently 76kg (167pd.) and squat and deadlift 12x120 kg (265 pds.) - don’t know about my current max.

The tempo on sunday felt good, whenever I warmup (bike, isometric in 90 degr. squatting position) I do not feel it. After lying down for a time (like watching tv) it feels real bad - can’t squat deep (even wo weight).

So I take one week break with light streching every other day. If the pain is gone I’ll test my 35m time, vert, StLJ, StTJ, 10xrunning bound coming weekend.
If problem persists I’ll do only tempo and core next week (47)…

3 days on a NSAID - 3 days on a seminar (means two nights quite drunk) - just relaxing, sauna, little nordic walking. feeling great, only slight feeling of discomfort behind the kneebone left.

FRI - TEST: 35m, STLJ (1,2 km jog before, streching, drills, 2km jogging afterwards)
35m electronic 4.92 (not great, missed my target by 0.07, but ok - it’s a PB. And it was measured at side of my hip - chest passed the line probably 0.3 earlier…)
STLJ into LJ pit: 2.88m (even worse)

SUN - CORE@Home:
front, side, back, twists, situps, crunches (496 rep total)

MON - Tempo:
4x300m@70%/3min break
HB immediately after: 162, 1min later 122, another 3 min later 108

Bench: 3x6 87,5kg (192.5 pds.)

25 min strech

WED - Gym (weight and plyos):

cleans 3x5 (100% bodyweight)

plyos (2x10):
/SquatJumps//LateralConeJumps//Tuck Jumps//DropPushups/

weight (3x5):
military press 3x5
deadlift 3x6 (200% bodyweight)
bent row 3x5 (100% bodyweight)

caught a cold - Tempo on Fri CANCELLED DUE TO COLD…

2x3x30m/accel (2/5 min break)

SUN - Plyos@Home:
warmup with various isometric exercises
/LateralConeJumps(3x8)//Split SquatJumps(3x8)//Pike Jumps(3x10)//vert jumps(3x8)//DropPushups(3x12)/
rope skip 12 min

MON - still resting DUE to FLU

WED - gym weight and plyos
warmup - bike (10min) rope jumping (4x1min/min break), 2x12 rep back of shoulder

hang snates (3x5)

plyos (all 3x10):
/SquatJumps//Tuck Jumps//LateralConeJumps/

squat (3x5x130kg)
[had the funny feeling behind the kneebone again - Ireally have to watch that, probably I’ll drop squats for deadlifts]
bench (3x5)
/3x10 DropPushups/

cooldown on treadmill started at 16km/h, and slowed down 1.5 km/every minute
endet up 3 min walking at 4 km/h (might seem strange, but I like it)

FRI -Track:
usual warmup
accel 3x(2x40m) (2/6 min break)
plyos (all 3x10):
/SquatJumps//two legged ankle bounces//tuck jumps/

SAT: knee hurts badly again!
tried various iso-exercises 30s/30s rest
3x (core: front, side, back, squattin position, squatting position on one leg)

SUN - Tempo:
warm-up incl. two legged ankle bounds
2x600m (in 2 min each) - 2x300m (in 52s each) - 2x150m (in 24s each)
gym: 4x10 rep pullups

reduced program due to pain in right knee…

TUE - Gym (weight and plyos):

warmup - 6 min bicycle, 6 min jog
cleans (3x5x100% bodyweight)
hang snatch (3x5)

plyos - reduced - no knee bend:
two legged ankle bounces (4x10), tuck jumps (4x10)

military press (3x5)
cooldown run with slowing down into walking (starting from 18 km/h)

felt great today - probably I should reduce my volume generally…
consider doing much more tempo in the future…

THU - Tempo:
4x300m @ 75%
Core - 3sets front, 3 sets side, 2 sets back1, 2 sets back 2, 2 sets twists (250 rep tot)
4x1 min rope jumping
20 min strech
felt great afterwards

FRI -Track:
usual warmup
3x(2x40m) accel (2/6 min break)
15 min bike

SUN - TEMPO it was 2 deg. Cel. only…
4x10 ankle bounces

10x140m tempo - instead of the 10th rep. I did 100m flying (with 30m smooth accel) in 400m pace. Wonder if that’s ok, or does any harm? After 9 reps. and feeling like doing nothing I simply felt the need to feel my 400m pace…

4x10 pullups

20 min streching

WED -Track: fu*ing cold - temperature at freezing point…
warmup (1.2 km jog, short strech, drills, 2x in-and-out)

Speed - 4x flying 50m (30m smooth acceleation, so I call it 30-80m flying)
@90%, 95%, 100%, 100%

2x10 vert jumps

bench: 4x5x90kg

abs: 100 rep

FRI - Track:

Accel: 3x(2x40m)

pullups: 3x10

SAT - FRI one week holiday…skiing