Second season

Had to find out that it was naive of me to believe a 34 year old recreational athlete at a beginners level (~12.00, ~54.00) could benefit from a “intensive” sprint training with main focus on weight and acceleration in early season.

Changed my routine to the following:

only 3-4 sessions a week:

Mon: bicycle or tempo (sometimes with plyo) long cooldown and a lot of streching
Wed: a lot of core and a little bit of oly. lifts (hang snatch and clean) long cooldown and a lot of streching
Sat: Speed - drills and ins- and outs and/or flying 4 to 6 seconds at 92-97% of top speed (not more than 200m wo. run-up) slowly increasing speed towards indor comp. to >100%
Soetimes a second spped or tempo session

Whenever I feel a bit tired I drop weight and plyos first.

For the first time i feel flexible, strong and painfree all the time and my top speed increases.

And after 6 weeks i tested my 40m acceleration and was even a few 0.01s faster than my former 40m pb.

More volume might work for younger athletes or top level athletes trying to drop their times from 10.40 down to 10.00.

The lesson I learned is: as long as you can’t run faster than 10 m/s don’t waste one thought on how powerful your start is, how fast you accelerate, on your vert jump, your standing long jump or how much you bench or squat.

I’ll see where it’ll lead me for outdoor 05…

What should athletes at your level focus on? What are you going to do for your next GPP?


SUN - circuit @ gym (still loads of snow outdoors…)

3x1 min rope skip w. 30 secs breaks inbetween
3xprogram1 w. 30 secs breaks inbetween
2 min break
3x program2 w 30 secs breaks inbetween
2x1 min rope skip w. 30 secs breaks inbetween

20 min strech

felt dead afterwards…

programm1 (no breaks between exerc.):
15 x pushups w. clap
15 x hangning leg raises
15 x hang snatch w. bar only (44 pds)
10 x jumping up to the bar and do one pullup, jumping down
15 x hyperextensions

programm2 (no breaks between exerc.):
15 x split squat jumps w. bar only
15 x situps
15 x cleans w. bar only (44 pds)
15 x jumping up to the “dip-bars” and do one dip, jumping down (saw Evander Holyfield do that)
15 x jumping jacks w 12 pd weight in each hand

TUE - tempo
600m - 300m - 300m - 150m - 150m (@70-75%)
30 min strech
was somehow still tired from Sunday’s circuit - usually that kind of volume is not exhausting for me

WED - core@home 450 reps

FRI - weight
all 3x8rep
leg extentions
leg curls
lat pulls

3x20 hyperextensions

2 x 50m accel @ 90% (just 4 coordination)

5x120m @ 90%

TUE - bike,jog,“tempo”
20min bike
10min jog

15 min streching

1x400m @ 70-75%

WED - Speed
3x flying 6 secs (with 30m runup)@92.5-95%

FRI - weight
all 3x8rep
leg extentions
leg curls
lat pulls

3x20 hyperextensions

2 x 50m accel @ 90-95% (just 4 coordination)

SUN - Speed (2 speed-days, because track will be closed next week…)
3x flying 6 secs (with 30m runup) @95%
1x 50m accel @95%

TUE - bike,jog,“tempo” (mainly recovery - too much speed last week)
20min bike

1x400m @ 24km/h (treadmill)

THU - “tempo”
4x400m @ 22km/h (treadmill)

FRI - weight
leg extentions
leg curls
lat pulls

3x20 hyperextensions

SUN - Speed

3 x 4secs flying @ 95-100%
1 x 50m accel @95%

4x125m flying (w 25m smooth runup)@ 95-97.5% (with beep at certain
intervals to keep steady pace)

turned out to be 100% felt really burned out afterwards…

FRI - weight
leg extentions
leg curls
lat pulls

3x20 hyperextensions

2x50m @ 90-95% (for coordination)
felt weak, tired…cold afterwards - flu (SAT light fever…)

SUN - cancelled due to flu

WED - gym + tempo
18 min. bicycle, streching,
“mini-tempo” (2x250m), streching

FRI - starting speed again…

usual warmup (40min)
2 x 80m @ 90% (relaxed and easy)

SUN - Speed

3 x 4secs flying @ 95-100%
1 x 50m accel @95%