Seagrave Warmup

Question - what do you guys think of doing the entire Seagrave warm up as just GS work on like a Saturday or something during GPP? I think it might serve a better purpose there.

3*60m without breathing? Does anybody know the rationale?

I would take the problem in the opposite way, why breathing during a 60m? It’s mainly an anaerobic exercise.
Also, it’s not surprising considering that Seagrave has build his 100m phases according to a special breathing pattern. I will post it again as soon as possible with other technical stuffs he detailed in his speach.
3x60m without breathing is a good training to master your breath. As Seagrave’s breath pattern is quite complex, this mastership is needed.
(note that you can breath between the 3 sets
:cool: )

Thanks for the info PJ.

Pierrejean, could you please post the technical stuff and his program setup.

Yes, i’ll try when i’ll get a little more time.

why develop a breathing pattern that isn’t natural to you? This is a recipe for ‘paralysis by analysis’.

I tried that ins and outs breathing pattern (very very very difficult and unnatural) and I even mentioned it as part of acceleration cone drills on the forum. For some reason, I thought that you recommended it as part of the acceleration cone drills, also its funny how your acceleration cone drills are similar Seagraves own ins and outs. Its also funny that between 1991-92 Seagrave was coaching one of your ex athletes, I remember reading (Athletics Weekly) that you thought that the training for this special athlete you once coached was a load of crap and that he did not need to do long runs. I also realise now that just possibly Seagrave MAY has taken some of your ideas from this special athlete you once coached and twisted it around.

Just possibly, it does happen, alot in all walks of life, people take and do not give.

Many relaxation work emphasis on “reverse” breathing, which appears unnatural, but they explain that it’s actually the way animals and babies breath, and suggest we finf again that natural breathing. Seagrave applies the powerlifter breathing pattern to sprinters.
I will post later extracts from the article.

I think breathing out slowly under pressure during a ‘cone drill’ or for 20m bursts is helpful. My only concern is that a set breathing pattern should not be assigned to everyone regardless of what is natural. I also don’t remember Loren doing long runs with anyone in his programs. Loren wasn’t coaching Ben when he was doing the long runs. He went to train with another athete and tried to follow his existing workouts to have a training partner, which didn’t work out as he’d never done this type of training before.

I’ve noticed that it certainly does feel unnatural to attempt a “programmed” breathing pattern. But I’ve also noticed that my “natural” breathing pattern is extremely fast. I must be exhaling 3 times before I reach the 20m mark. But to change it feels very unnatural. Would you recommend sticking with what feels comfortable (the fast, ingrained breaths)? Or should I try to prolong the exhalations?

I guess I’m asking at what point do we abandon what is “natural” in favour of what actually works best?

Usually what’s natural IS what works best.

Thanks a lot.