SCENAR or similar devices (inter X, Rithm Scenar).

Hi guys, I’ve bought a Scenar device (diadens -, and I’m using it instead of the electroacupuncture with really interesting results on pain and recovery.

Does someone have experience with this kind of therapy?

I read about it a few years ago. Sounded really interesting but few people seem to know about it. Why have you abandoned electroaccupuncture? Surely accupuncture has so many different possibilities from local, axial and systemic regulatory points of view.

I’ve owned a SCENAR D.O.V.E for the better part of two years that I received from Dr. Kossovskaia of:

I can personally attest to its usefulness with respect to the applications that I used it for almost exclusively; those being to treat either accute or chronic soft/connective tissue traumas on myself and some of my athletes.

Having spent time discussing the technology with Dr. Kossovskaia I learned that its applications are nearly boundless, however.

I’ve not abandoned electroacupuncture, but at the moment Scenar give me new informations and excellent results.
I work with acupuncture principles but use scenar instead of needles.
I’m trying to do a vagal stimulation for recovery purpose with scenar device and results seems interesting.

Thank you james for the links.

just a little question about this and similar technology.

i’m not really into it, so i may say something stupid…

don’t this kind of therapy device olny shout down the pain receptors, failing to really heal the problem?