Ross looks to bare bones

you can screen for the purpose and then have your guy go off on a tangent (accupuncture) you didn’t expect or want from him and didn’t investigate him about.

pull your head in you have no idea what you are talking about… Rookie??? do your research

Hey it’s done now. No point dwelling on stuff! Time to think about what he can do until he recovers and get back on track as quickly as possible.

Is Josh going to run at Cricket Willow?

I here he has got a Lamborgini for the whole day if he runs!!!:slight_smile:

Maybe bad luck or bad planning. Not sure which way the scales tip. Hopefully this event won’t have any long term effects on his prep.

how is someone stabbing you with a needle in a nerve, before you can tell them not to, bad planning?

Bad planning - who choose the someone?? If the research was done. It would of been apparent that the Osteopath wasn’t very qualified. If the right people where responsible for the treatment then this would of never happened. Its up to the coaching team to meticulously search for the best people & if they settle for less qualified persons. Its just not good enough.

Additionally having watched JR run for over the last 5 season, in small town meets to national championships I don’t see how osteopathy would be beneficial for him. ROM & stride length have never been problems.

ROM was never a problem for Donovan Bailey either but Pfaff worked with two chiropractors all the time, told me he even took two to Europe. There are always other issues, impingement issues mainly as well as centre of balance issues (adjusting of the mandibular joint etc etc) which will come along and require skilled hands.

Re Josh Ross’s situation with the unwanted acupuncture. Perhaps the coach knew nothing about this practitioner? That somehow this character got his hooks into the athlete who was naive to have let this prick:p anywhere near him.

Woah there…put away the fangs

Chiro’s are bigger on functional assessments, especially the ones that Dan would choose. So those comparisons are not valid. It may seem that I am not finger pointing here. But these events are not just bad luck.

That opens up another set questions if the coach “s” didn’t know about this practitioner.

Well there are good athletes and ordinary ones, good coaches and ordinary ones, good chiropractors and etc etc.

I’m not with you. What comparisons are not valid? Comparisons between osteopaths and chiropractors, assessments between Pfaff’s chiros and Nanny’s? or comparisons between Whoever got stuck into Josh and whoever normally treats him?

If some chiro does something stupid and we are going to blame the coach and say it should have been so easy to know, what does that say about somebody who has not improved since they were 16?

Just read an article in a local Tassie Paper (The Examiner) which said Josh isn’t running due to injury, this is leading some experts to believe that he will never recover from his bad last half of the 2007…

Please shut up people. He had a bad patch.

Josh come back and come back hard and in interviews smile sweetly when this crap is mentioned and thank your mum, your coach and everybody who supports you.

Are these “experts” quoted in the article? You should post it in this thread. It would perhaps make a useful talking point…

Sorry my bad. The word expert wasn’t mentioned…

The last paragraph reads

The withdrawal casts further doubt over Ross’s future after he battled personal demons in the world track and field championships in Osaka, Japan, forcing an early return home and a subsequent change of coach.

Apparently a Dr Connelly has seen Josh Ross about the foot problem and fixed it with one treatment. I’m told Joss will be racing this Saturday night in Sydney.

Any substance to this Nanny?

Great news if so, certainly happy for you as it was through no fault of yours (I’m advised) that Ross allowed himself to be “treated” by the guy with the acupuncture needle.

Josh should learn from this and remember that it’s not only his reputation that hangs in the balance when he makes these spur of the moment decisions to put himself in the hands of people he does not know, who come without recommendation from people you trust.

Seems like there are a few people who would just love to see him (and you!) fail so they could say they told you so.

But you’re good enough to get this job done. Getting an athlete to an Olympics is never easy, almost always throws up some unexpected twists and complications. Hopefully this has been the last of them for you and Ross. Best wishes for the new year.

That would be Dr Coneelly. No one knows feet like Paul, unfortunately he’s about to retire :frowning: He’s saved me on a number of occasions.

Mr Coneellys miracle single treatments. Paul’s solution for achilles tendinitis was trigger points release of the Soleus. :eek: :eek:

I’ve always found him to be more holistic than that. I saw him with achilles on one occasion and he triggered the soleus, gastroc and peroneus muscles as well as mobilized the rear foot as he believed they were causing biomechanical defficiencies and it fixed me up in two treatments.

Of course not everything will work for everybody, he couldn’t get Pete Vassella’s achilles right and he hasn’t fixed 100% of my injuries, but I have to say I’ve had a higher success rate with Paul than any one else and over the past 10 years he’s the only person I have used on a consistent basis.

Over ten years , I am sure you have added to his retirement fund then. Paul is a salesman first. You can add Noonan to that list of uncured achilles related injuries.