rogue leader...

2x50m grad
2x60m blocks

back injury during heroic rescue

chiro, accupuncture, TENS, cupping, NSAIDs, etc.

saturday - masters state championships
warm up, massage
100m - 12.14s, 6th

warm up
60m - 8.12s (-2.7w), 3rd

and that’s the end of my season!

even though the time was rubbish I was happy to get a bronze for my efforts in the 60. I think it was a pretty good run, but the headwind was firm for most of the event. all competitors were disappointed with their times.

In the 100m the day before I was happy enough just to have competed, given the events of thursday. it would have been nice to go under 12s, but 12.14s is not too bad a time. something to improve on for next season…