RJ's Log: Slow White Boy

If performing 4x200’s on grass in 33sec kills your calfs, I think it’s gonna be very diffcult to reach your goal in 2012.

Quick tip:

Before you give up on something try doing it 2x per week for 4-5 weeks.

Haha, it’s going to be pretty much impossible for me to reach my “goal” no matter how you put it. :smiley:

The runs were on a track. And it was my second tempo session ever. You’re right though. I’ll stick with them for a few weeks and see how I do. I really do want 5 x <30 seconds w/2 minutes rest.

June 10, 2009
Lower Body
Submax Rate An-2[/b]

Current Condition:
My glutes are a little tight from yesterday’s session. Other than that though, I feel good, if not a little tired.

Some RW drills

Tempo Runs
4 x 200M @ easy pace, 120 sec. rest
Times of: 30.1, 33.5, 32.4, 32.5
Avg Time: 32.1

20 minutes of cardio work with heart rate @ 100-120 BPM

Some RW exercises

Today went well. I wanted to do five runs, but I had just eaten and dinner wasn’t sitting well in my stomach. I averaged 32.1 seconds this time, as opposed to 32.5 last time. And this was with a full stomach, so I’m okay with it.

Again, I’d like to see 5 in under 30 seconds, but that’s a long ways off.

Why under 30 seconds?

30 seconds just seemed like a decent goal. I could do it now, but it would be really hard intensive tempo. I want it to still be extensive by the time I reach it.

June 11, 2009
Lower Body
Submax Rate An-2[/b]

Current Condition:
My glutes are still a little sore, but less so than yesterday.

Some RW drills

Cardio weight lifting circuit for 20 minutes with heart rate @ 120-140 bpm

Some light exercises

Nothing to note. I feel good.

The cardio circuits you have listed are simply not going to get it done. Stop wasting the little decent time you have with regards to weather doing these stupid circuits and get to some running.

I totally agree!!! I think when RJ decides to do things the more traditional way he will start to have success. You have been stuck in your basement for 8 months, no time for fitness circuits save that shit for winter. Stop making excuses why you can’t get to the track and find a way to make it happen… Not trying to be asshole but if you would take a more traditional approach you would be happy man.

Evan, have you managed to completely miss the 200m tempo runs? I guess so.

Tamfb, I get to the track as often as I can. I missed my session today because a friend crashed his truck and I spent 4 hours helping him put it back together. Tomorrow I’ll be driving 5 hours to Homer for work. Life keeps me busy.

And I’m not so sure a traditional approach would be any better, or even possible given my conditions. I know I need to sprint 2-3 times per week year round, but making it happen is difficult.

You have almost no volume. 4x200m extensive tempo less than once a week? Depth jumps in place of sprints? You don’t have even 1/3 of the total volume of running you need. You are not fit generally or specifically and you just don’t look smooth or good running. A good prescription of tempo and frequent bouts of sprinting would be good for you. You will continue to not do this or figure out a way to justify not doing it and that is completely fine–it will just hurt your results.

June 13, 2009
Lower Body
Mag An-1[/b]

Current Condition:
I feel really good. My back is a bit tight from having driven for five hours, but I’m good.

Some RW drills

Light Plyos

Workout: Rotation Style
16" RA Box Rebounds
2 x 10 reps, 180 sec. rest

RA Tuck Jumps
2 x 10 reps, 180 sec. rest

Single-Leg RA Tuck Jumps
2 x 10 reps (5 per leg), 180 sec. rest

16" RA Depth Jumps
2 x 5 reps, 180 sec. rest

Some light plyo exercises

10 minute continuous cardio circuit (heart rate between 130-140 bpm)

Well, I had to drive 5 hours to Homer to check out the status of a job and I had intended to sprint, but the only tracks in town were asphalt, lopsided, and full of potholes. I would’ve ran on the grass instead, but it wasn’t any better. Instead, I did a plyo session. I know it’s not as good, but it was what I could manage.

Overall, the session went well. Funny enough, it really crushed my abs. Also, it was made interesting by the fact there was a small bear romping around in the woods next to the field. It seemed harmless enough, but I had to keep an eye on it as I didn’t have a gun, or even a knife, on me.

And to Fogelson, the 200M tempo runs are twice per week and I’m working on building the volume. I’d also like to be sprinting @ 95-100% twice per week, but haven’t been able to. I know what I need to do. The hard part is making it happen.

Just give me some time. If I just lumped all the work on right now I’d burn out. This next year is going to be largely me getting in shape so my volumes can be where they need to be.

June 15, 2009
Lower Body
Rate An-1/An-2[/b]

Current Condition:
Feeling good. My right ankle is the tiniest bit stiff, but I feel great otherwise.

Some RW drills

Build Ups

3-Pt Sprints (in spikes, on track)
2 x 60M @ 85-90%, 360 sec. rest
1 x 110M @ 85-90%, N/A rest
Times of: 7.7h, 7.7h, 12.5h

(a little later)

Single-Leg ISO DLs (left)
1 x 10 seconds @ 178 lbs, 180 sec. rest

Single-Leg ISO DLs (right)
1 x 10 seconds @ 178 lbs, 180 sec. rest

OI HF Abs (left)
2 x 25 reps @ BW, 180 sec. rest

Back Squats
1 x 10 reps @ 198 lbs, N/A rest

Some light plyo exercises

I did this session at 10 PM in the rain, but it went well. Even running smoothly with little effort, I was moving pretty well. Weights were nothing really. Just a bit to keep me on my toes. I haven’t squatted for a while, but it felt good. I’ve got a pretty close stance now. Lots of glute activation.

I have a meet in three days. I’ll be ready.

June 16, 2009
Lower Body
Submax Rate An-2[/b]

Current Condition:
My right quad is a tiny bit tight, but I feel great otherwise.

Some RW drills

Cardio weight lifting circuit for 22 minutes with heart rate @ 120-140 bpm

Some light exercises

I started this session at the same intensity I usually used for this workout, but my heart rate wouldn’t go up. So, to fix it, I just upped the intensity.

It looks like I’m starting to get a little conditioning.

June 18, 2009
Lower Body
Rate/Dur An-2[/b]

Current Condition:
I had a meet today and I was feeling great. My right vastus lateralis was a little tight, but otherwise I was fine.

Some RW drills

Build Ups

100M Race
I won my heat, but I don’t know the time yet

Scissor High Jumps
I maxed at 5’2", any higher and I kept hitting the bar on the way up

(a little later)

Single-Leg ISO DLs (left)
1 x 10 seconds @ 213 lbs, 180 sec. rest

Single-Leg ISO DLs (right)
1 x 10 seconds @ 213 lbs, 180 sec. rest

OI SL HF Abs (left)
1 x 25 reps @ BW + 15 lbs, 180 sec. rest

OI SL HF Abs (right)
1 x 25 reps @ BW + 15 lbs, 180 sec. rest

Back Squats
1 x 10 reps @ 232 lbs, N/A rest

Some light plyo exercises

I woke up this morning and weighed myself for the first time in a few weeks. I was 207. 6 lbs. That’s 7.6 lbs heavier than I was a few weeks ago, and this is since I’ve added daily cardio circuits and longer tempo. Weird. But I felt great anyways.

At the meet, I was ready to get going and I’m happy with how I ran. I don’t have my time yet, but it was decent. Contrary to how I usually run, I stumbled coming out of the blocks and wasn’t in the lead until around 30M. From that point though, I pulled away for the rest of the race. Even though the early accel definitely isn’t there, I felt nice and smooth.

On the high jumps, I was doing a scissor jump as I don’t know how to flop. I cleared 5’2" by a long shot, but kept hitting the bar on the way up during my higher jumps. Oh well. At 208 lbs I’m not going to be much a high jumper.

Back at home, the weights were easy with the exception of the squats. It’s been over a year since I’ve really squatted and a lot of things have changed since then. Most notably, my stance is now slightly narrower than shoulder width and my toes point straight forward. I’m also getting a lot of glute fatigue and almost no quad fatigue. This is what I want, so it’s cool.

I just got my time back. 11.93 FAT w/0 wind (indoors). Considering my horrible start, it’s not absolutely terrible. My time to 30M was probably the worst it’s been in years. Guys who I beat by .3-.5 were with me until then, and they were the tall and skinny types (one was a HJer/hurdler), so you know their accel wasn’t great. I really need a pair of blocks to practice in.