RJ's Log: Slow White Boy

Well, I’ve decided to keep a log on here after a few people expressed interest in me doing so. Unlike many on the site, I do not use CF’s methods but instead use a blend of methods and organizational arrangements picked up from all over.

As of the present, my stats are as follows:
20 years old
6’1" (actually about .33" shorter)
200 lbs @ 9-10% BF
100M PB: 11.66 FAT
400M PB: 54.60 FAT
CMJ: 31"
SBJ: 10’1"

I have short tendons and relatively thick joints and am definitely not built to run, but I do it anyways because I love it and it’s a nice challenge. My environment is also not really conducive to sprinting, as I live in Alaska and train in a garage, so a lot of my training methods help me work around that.

I just came off of my first year of proper training and managed to PR by .46 seconds over 100M, so I’m doing fine. I really need to get my strength and fitness up though, and my training is currently geared to do just that. I’m on a short break and won’t be doing any actual training until Monday, but I will be doing conditioning sessions and that’s where I’ll be starting my log.

Conditioning: Upright Trampoline Sprints
July 31, 2008

Current Condition:
My hamstrings are still horribly sore after some high rep stiff-legged DLs three days ago. I hope the recovery rate speeds up as I do them more.

5 seconds on / 55 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off - HR = 168 BPM
5 seconds on / 55 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off - HR = 180 BPM
5 seconds on / 55 seconds off
5 seconds on / 55 seconds off
5 seconds on / 55 seconds off - HR = 176 BPM

Overall Average Heart Rate: 175 (high as hell)

I changed up the assignment of work today and instead of going 5/5/10, I tried to go 5/10/10 and it was hard as hell. My heartrate was very high and it was making me mildly sick to my stomach to keep it beating in that range. By the time the third rotation came around, I called off the 10 second sets and just did fives. I’ll work my way up from here.

Much respect for coping with your training conditions in Alaska.
When does the weather settle for outdoor training?
I’ve been in “arctic weather” situation for months at a time (Connecticut), and another good garage alternative for conditioning is doing high knee jump ropes.
Any indoor tracks around there?

Thanks for the idea and the compliment. If trampoline sprints ever give me problems I’ll be sure to give high-knee jump roping a try.

As for the weather, it’s usually warm enough to run outside from late April to mid September, though it varies depending on the year. And yeah, there is an indoor track up here, but it costs $7.50 per use and $10.00 in gas to get there. I can afford to use it, but not as often as I’d like to.

August 4, 2008
Macrocycle 10 - Power Block
Microcycle 1 - Nanocycle 1: Lower Body
Mag An-1[/b]

Current Condition:
My hamstrings are still mildly sore from the high rep stiff-legged deadlifts a week ago. They’re almost better, but not quite yet. I think I may have actually strained my right one. Other than that, I’m feeling good. No caffeine today though as I forgot.

Some RW drills

Workout: Rotation Style
OSP REA Squats (w/light bands)
3 x 3 @ 150 lbs, 180 sec. rest

Explosive MIO Jumping Snatch Pulls
2 x 3 @ 150 lbs, 180 sec. rest

3 x 5 @ 25 lbs, 180 sec. rest

(out of rotation)

PIM Stiff-Legged DL
1 x 16 reps @ 180 lbs (120% of Squat weight)

BW OI work

Well, before I lifted today, I went out and did some bounding and jumping just to see where my power levels are at. I would’ve sprinted, but with my hamstrings sore and tight I didn’t want to risk it. Instead though, I managed a high touch CMJ of 10’7" (32" CMJ) and a running touch of 10’11" (36" running vert). The running jumps were labored and hurt my hamstrings. Both were recent bests though, so I can’t complain too much.

In the real workout, everything lacked pop. The REA squats were slow, meaning I have to stick with 150 lbs next workout and the snatch pulls just flat out sucked. My hamstrings were obviously inhibiting both movements and were not putting out the power I needed them to be. I can only imagine this was hurting my jumps too, though probably by less than 1/2-1".

I have an accel session planned in 4 days time and I can only hope my hamstrings are up to snuff by then.

You mentioned strength is a primary issue for you so I’m curious why you are spending time with reactive squats and such?

Because I’m using them as my strengthening exercises. So far, I’ve brought my REA squat from 120 lbs + light bands to 150 lbs + light bands over the last few weeks, all while keeping rep speed to under 1 second. During this time, my CMJ has gone up 3" and everything is on track.

I could use more size in my glutes and hamstrings though, so that’s what the DLs are for.

Conditioning: Upright Trampoline Sprints
August 6, 2008

Current Condition:
My right biceps femoris is still slightly sore right near where it inserts at the knee. I probably hurt the tendon somewhat 9 days ago. Other than that though, I’m feeling good.

5 seconds on / 55 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off - HR = 156 BPM
5 seconds on / 55 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off - HR = 164 BPM
5 seconds on / 55 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off
10 seconds on / 110 seconds off - HR = 178 BPM

Overall Average Heart Rate: 166 (9 bpm lower than last time)

I managed all three rotations of 5/10/10 today and there wasn’t any real slow down until that absolutely last sprint. Overall, it went well. My conditioning is slowly creeping up. However, something along the outside of my glute-ham tie in tightened up midway through the session, probably from some compensation caused by the sore biceps femoris. It’s tight/sore now, but I should be fine within the next day or two. If not, I may postpone or change my next workout to something not so stressful.

August 8, 2008
Macrocycle 10 - Power Block
Microcycle 2 - Nanocycle 1: Lower Body
Rate An-1/An-2[/b]

Current Condition:
My right hamstring was definitely strained 11 days ago. It’s getting better, but it’s still not there. Also, I hurt my SI joint yesterday and am feeling weak today.

Some RW drills

2-Pt Sprints (on track, video timed)
1 x 100M, 720 sec. rest
2 x 40 yd, 360 sec. rest
Times of 11.70 for 100M and 4.80, 4.83 for 40yd

BW OI work

All things considered, I can’t really fault where I am today. I haven’t run more than 40yd since my season ended 1.5 months ago and my 100M was at least satisfactory. Other than that though, my SI joint hampered me in every run and even made me pack it in early. For those interested, I hurt myself carrying a washing machine up a U-shaped staircase by myself. It tweaked pretty bad and even flexing the spine, to the front, side, or rotating, makes me wince in pain.

Still, despite the bad, I was one video frame off of my 40yd PR and I feel much more powerful than I’ve ever been before. I could tell I had the strength to hold lower angles during accel than I’ve managed in the past and when my back heals up I’ll be flying. As it was, every single one of my runs had my lower back shutting down while accelerating causing me to go flat footed for anywhere from 6-10 steps before I got it back together. Looking back, each run was absolutely horrible form wise and consisted of me flopping around like a dieing fish as I tried to regain my steps after losing them.

Next time around, when my back is capable of supporting the forces, I can see myself dropping into the mid 4.6s video timed over 40yd. I’ll be moving then.

Okay, it’s a few hours post workout and I can’t even deviate the slightest amount from upright without a shock of pain. It’s mostly in the area of my left SI joint and I’ll need to watch this. I’ll probably be fine tomorrow, but if not, this could be problematic.

what kind of treatment do you have plan?

Foam rolling, light stretching, and rest. Not much else I can do besides that.


Great call! That site has worked wonders for me. Do a lot of the self exercises every day.

Thanks. I’ll definitely employ some of those exercises.

yes, these self exercises cured both my lower-back pain and my recurrent hamstring strains/pulls

I’m skipping my conditioning session today to allow my SI joint to heal fully. In its place though, I included a foam rolling session and a dynamic mobility circuit. About half an hour in total. My back feels better already and should be in shape to go for my next session in two days.

I think your si joint will take longer then 2-3 days to heal.

Eh, it probably should, but I bounce back from injury pretty quickly. I’m already 95% pain free. If I feel anything out of the ordinary, I’ll call off the session though. I don’t need to pick up any nagging problems.

August 11, 2008
Macrocycle 10 - Power Block
Microcycle 3 - Nanocycle 1: Lower Body
Mag An-1[/b]

Current Condition:
Okay, both my hamstrings and my SI joint are fine. I’m back to 100% and am ready to rock again.

Some RW drills

Workout: Rotation Style
OSP REA Squats (w/light bands)
3 x 3 @ 155 lbs, 180 sec. rest

Explosive MIO Jumping Snatch Pulls
2 x 3 @ 155 lbs, 180 sec. rest

3 x 5 @ 25 lbs, 180 sec. rest

(out of rotation)

PIM Stiff-Legged DL
1 x 16 reps @ 185 lbs (120% of Squat weight)

Power Snatch
1 x 2 reps @ 155 lbs

BW OI work
A 3-mile hike of very difficult terrain

Like I said above, my back was 100% again today and I was ready to get to it. Even though I didn’t meet my speed requirement on OSP REA Squats last session, I bumped the weight up 5 lbs and got it anyways. My hips were solid as a rock.

After my rotations were finished, I threw up a couple of power snatches just to see where I was and 155 lbs went up easily despite my out of practice form. I think the best I’ve ever done was either 165 or 170 for 2 and that had me at a 33.5" CMJ. I’m at about 160-165 if fresh now and my CMJ is just around 32". I’m a bit heavier now though, so it makes up for it.

Right after that, I got suckered into a long and very difficult hike without even changing out of my workout gear so my legs are dead now. Still, it was fun.

Here’s a video of a few sets of today’s session: