On the Grind: My Endless Pursuit of Athletic Aspiration

Not going to be able to train today. My back is feeling locked up again and my hip flexors and hamstrings are tight. I’m also going to be getting some technique work done on the 19th so I want to be as fresh as possible for that.

Incline Treadmill Walk, 7.0 incline, 3.5mph, Kept heartrate at 120-130bpm

Light stretching afterwards.

This loosened up my back a lot, and I’m not as still as I was on Wednesday. I think the leg raises aren’t very good for my lumbar spine, as I think they are the reason why my back isn’t feeling too good right now. I’m guessing that my hip flexors and psoas are tight right now.

30min on Elliptical. 130bpm HR
Static Stretching afterwards

My stiffness has improved but it still isn’t 100% better. I’m thinking there is some pressure being put on my discs from all those leg raises that I did. It’s a good thing I’m making improvements though. I’m going to continue doing the cardio along with some upperbody stuff this week. I will be icing my lower back a lot as well.

This is what I told you to do months ago, your first 6-8 weeks should have been bw circuits and simple cardiac work etc.

Warmup (jog, hip mobility, sprint drills, static stretch)

Weighted Chins - BW x 8, 3 x 6 w/ 25lbs
Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 2 x 8 w/ 185
Chest Supported Rows - 3 x 8

10min on Recumbant Bike (switched because I didn’t like the posture)
15min on Incline Treadmill Walk, 9.0 incline, 2.7mph

Weight - 177.6, in Nike Free’s

I was 172 about a week ago surprisingly. I have been eating way too little this semester! During the warmup drills, I am still extremely tight. It’s like I have neural tension or something…

Yesterdays workout:

Warmup (jog, hip mobility, light static stretch)

Back Squat progressions - Bar x 10, 95 x 10, 135 x 10, 135 x 10

Ab wheel - 2 x 25
Side Planks - 2 x 30sec

I drove down to south Houston to get some therapy yesterday and it did me a lot of good. Had some extreme tightness everywhere he said, especially in the rectus fermorii. ART along with some general adjustments was able to fix things. Speaking with the chiropractor yesterday, I think I may have found the reason why my erector spinae get so tight. He even has the same issues, and they are dead on similar to mine.

Here are some of my squats yesterday. It’s been a while since I’ve done these so my technique needs work. Let me know if I need to get a better angle, filming, anything I can do for better analysis:



Warmup (jog 400m, hip mobility, light static stretch, sprint drills, MB throws, buildups)

Worked on running technique work for over an hour. Here is what my issues are:

  • Too much plantar flexion in the drills, start, and top speed.
  • Pecs were so tight that my ROM was limited
  • Glutes were tight as well
  • Need more jump out of my stance

Finished the day off with Bomb x 3

I need massive amounts of therapy in my glutes. I also learned how to do some mobility drills with a quarterstaff that I think really helped with my lower back tightness. I’m going to try to go back to Austin for more technique work before school starts.

Warmup (jog, hip mobility, light static stretch, sprint drills, MB throws)

3 x 50yd technique runs
5 x 10yds
3 x 40yds

MT (Bomb) - 2x

Dynamic Stretches with a staff
Back Squats - 95 x 10, 135 x 10, 135 x 10, 135 x 10
Negative Toe Risers - 2 x 10, slow eccentric

With the new technique I learned I felt faster than ever, yet I won’t get too excited until I can get some times.

Warmup (5min on elliptical, hip mobility, dynamic stretches)

Weighted Chin-ups - BW x 6, 25 x 6, 25 x 6, 25 x 6
Bench - 135 x 6, 155 x 6, 185 x 6, 185 x 6
Landmines - 3 x 10

Cardio - 10min on elliptical

Felling sore in my quads and calves.

Warmup (400m jog, hip mobility, sprint drills, MB throws, buildups)

Speed work - 240
4 x 20yds
3 x 40yds
1 x 60m

MT (Bomb) - 3 x
CMJ - x 5

1 lap cooldown

The last two sprints were lame, my old habits started creeping up again. Glutes were still tight today. I’m having a hard time finding a therapist locally who will charge cheaper than $50 for 30min. I will continue whaling my glutes with a softball until they get loose. I won’t have access to a gym until Monday unfortunately.

Warmup (400m jog, hip mobility, light static stretch, sprint drills, MB throws, buildups)

Speed Work - 190yds
3 x 10yds
4 x 20yds
2 x 40yds

MT (Bomb) - 3 x

Back Squat Progressions - Bar x 10, 135 x 10, 155 x 10, 155 x 10, 155 x 10
Negative Toe Risers - 3 x 10

Pecs are still tight which is limiting my arm ROM in the sprints.

Warmup (3 minutes on Elliptical, mobility drills)

BW Chin-ups - 3 x 8
Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 175 x 6, 175 x 6, 175 x 6
Landmines - 4 x 10

Cardio - 20min on elliptical
Fascia stretching on pecs and lots of hip/shoulder mobility afterwards

Warmup (light jog, static stretch, sprint drills, MB throws, light buildups)

3 x 10yds
4 x 20yds
4 x 30yds
2 x 40yds

Box Jumps - 5 x 4
MB Throws - OHB x 5, BLF x 5, Vertical OHB x 10
Squat Jumps - 8 x 8, 15lb DB’s
Back Squats - 135 x 10, 3 x 10 w/ 155

GS Circuit
1.) Chin-ups x 8
2.) RDLs x 8, 30-40lb DB’s
3.) Dips x 8

I’ve been too paranoid with my back injury. It’s time to progress in 2010. No more nonsense!

That’s what’s up… I like that workout!!

Cardio - 25min on recumbent bike

Lot’s of hip mobility, deep foam rolling, and static stretching afterward. I’m pretty sore from yesterday’s workout. Mainly in the glutes.

Warmup (light jog ~ 500yds, light static stretch, hip mobility, sprint drills, 2 x OHB, 2 x 50yd buildups)

Speed Work - 400yds (track with flats)
4 x 20yds
4 x 30yds
2 x 40yds
2 x 60yds

Hurdle Hops - 5 x 5, wide spacing, 30" hurdles
MB Throws - 5 x OHB, 5 x BLF, 10 x Vertical Tosses

DB Squat Jumps - 5 x 5, 35lb DB’s
Incline Bench - 95 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 5, 195 x 5
Back Squat Progressions - Bar x 10, 135 x 10, 155 x 10, 185 x 10, 185 x 10, 185 x 10
Neutral Grip Chins - 4 x 8, BW
DB RDLs - 4 x 8, 40-50lb DB’s
Bent Leg Negative Toe Risers - 3 x 10, focused on negative

5 min cool down on elliptical

Good session today. I had the Baylor track all by myself today which was nice. Now that the weather is cold here in Texas I can finally start doing contrast showers. I don’t like doing them but I think they really help with recovery.

Here’s what my squat technique looked like today:

Monday, 3-29-10

Warmup (jog, static stretch, hurdle mobility, hip mobility, MB Throws, buildups)

Accel Work: 330yds, grass
6 x 20yds (MB accel, pushup, falling)
7 x 30yds

MB Throws - 20 total throws

Back Squat - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 3, 315 x 5, 320 x 5
Bench - 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 205 x 3, 3 x 5 w/ 230
DB RDL - 3 x 12 w/ 60’s
Wide Grip Neutral Chin - 3 x 6, 25lbs
Landmines - 3 x 20, bar

Weight - 185

My shins were destroyed from the hurdle hops so I did my accel work on grass today. This workout is the beginning of week three of my microcycle.

Tuesday, 3-30-10

Warmup (5min on elliptical)

Overhead Squats - 4 x 15, bar
Split squats - 3 x 10, bar
Depletion Pushups - 62, 25, 20
Side Planks - 2 x 30sec

Wednesday, 3-31-10

Warmup (hip mobility, hurdle mobility, static stretch, sprint drills)

SE work:
4 x 100m, walkback recoveries

High Box Step-up - 135 x 5, 145 x 5, 155 x 5, 155 x 5
Incline DB Press - 50’s x 6, 70’s x 6, 90’s x 5
Reverse Leg Press - 3 x 8, 140lbs
Wide Grip Pullups - 3 x 8
Landmines - 3 x 10, bar

Kind of panzied out on the SE work today. I was exhausted after just running 4x100m. I probably could have used more than just a walkback recovery.

Thursday, 4-1-10

Cardio: 30min on Elliptical

Upper Body Circuit: 30lb DB’s, 3 x
A). Arnold Press - x 10
B). Hammer Curls - x 10
C). Tricep Extension - x 10

Psoas have been very tight lately.