Rips Training Journal

Damn, I don’t know what to say… I have good news and bad news.
Good News
I’m above my old self…
I jumped like 42-44" at a gym I’ve never jumped over 42. I threw down some nasty dunks, one miss flew high and far off backboard.

Bad News
I think I’m getting some jumpers knee. I have to chill with all the jumping, so no unnecessary jumping like today. No jumping for like a week though.

What kind of therapy or recovery methods do you have access to?

Sorry I’ve been sick for awhile, but I iced it.

I have sauna/steam room, i think some walmart type bands at my gym, that’s probably it. Just basic stuff…

I had basketball open gym today. I Think I’m the fastest on the team, or 2nd fastest, this other guy who’s playing football is fast as hell too.
I need to test my speed sometime soon…

I had 2 hours of basketball while sick, (expletive).

Did some jumping and sprinting.
6 40’s
6 3 step jumps

4.8 40 with no practice and bad form
43" vertical, definitely 41" but possibly 43"; leg is kind of bent outward so… 2nd jump btw.

What do you think about my sprint form, pretty crappy right?

Squat 305x1, 315x0
BSS 115 3x6

Played 2 games of basketball and around 30 jumps.

I pinned a guys shot on the backboard

Allergies flared up again, so FML.
But I still went to open gym today, and I think it was good for me.
Played Basketball for 1.5 hours, like 20 minutes of conditioning Sad.
Then we went and lifted;

Bench 95 3x4, light
Squat 260x3, could have easily gotten 5
Push Jerk 95x4, shoulders were dead
DB Shrugs 60x8

Squat 1x5 135, 165x5, 185x5, 225x5, 260x5
BSS 2x5 135
18" step up 1x2 135, 1x2 155, wayyy too light
Seated Leg Curl 75 2x4
Pendulum Hip Extension 130 2x10
Calf Raise 230x20, 180 2x20, wide foot position
Dorsiflexion work, 25 3x20 per leg

are you going to do this anytime soon? im interested to see what youll run with your jumping ability

Well I was planning on doing it, but my allergies got really bad, and I just put it off. Last week I ran some 40yd dashes on concrete. 4.8 was fastest, but I felt it all in quads, so I don’t think I ran too good. Usually I feel it in my pchain, to the point of cramping once I rest. Sometime soon I’ll go down to the track and do some sprints; anywhere from 2-6 weeks from now. Probably the former, once I’m done gaining some more strength.

Allergies flared up again, felt shitty, but still lifted. I feel good when I move around, or eat, or just have fun, but when I have “down-time” the symptoms come back.

Squat: 4x5 225

On last set I squatted shoulder width, and it felt good. I think I’ll use that stance from now on.

DB Row 3x8 60

Felt very light and easy

Calf Raise 1x20 190, 1x60 90

The 60 reps killed me, I did them in sections; 20 reps, rest 10 seconds, so on.

Curlz n da Skwat Raqk 1x 65, 1x8 75

I felt embarrassed squatting in the power rack.

Hamstring Curls 2x8 70

Got my hammies sore

Pendulum Hip Extension 2x8 150

Hit glutes nicely

Close Grip Bench 125 3x6
Low Bar Squat 135 3x6
Jerk 95 3x6
Leg Curl 55 3x6
Incline Bench 90 3x6
DB Chest Fly 35 3x6

Just to give a broad prediction:

I Broad Jump a little over 8 feet with no practice. So based on that I should run sub 12…

Hard work

Deadlift 3" deficit: 225 2x3, 245 3x3
Bulgarian Split Squat: 155 3x5
Calf Raise: 200 3x15
Overhead Press: 70x5, 80x5, 90x5

Easy work

Chinup: 2x10
Dip: 2x10
Pushup on bosu ball: 2x15
Decline Crunches: 25x5, 50x5
Reverse Leg Press: 165x10
Dorsiflexion: 25 2x20/leg

Squat 245 5x5
Calf Raise 270 5x5
Pushups 25 4x10
DB Row 65 3x8

OHP 95 3x8
Bench 95 3x8 lol
Squat 205 3x3

Bench 95x5
Close Grip Bench 95x10
Dips 2x12
Chinup 12
One Arm Chinup 5

Worn out. I actually played hard today at basketball, lol.

Squat 260 3x5 5 minute rest
12" step up 185x6 205x6 225x6 40lb pr
Bench 120 4x5
Row 75 2x8
Calf Raise 320 3x10

Squat 225x11, could have gotten 13 but didn’t want to hurt the rest of the workout
RDL 225 5x5
1/4 Squat 275 3x6
Single Leg Calf Raise 90x10, 140 2x10
Row 150 2x8
Back Extension 150 2x10 190x5

Squat 260 5x5 + 2 sets
12" step up 245 2x6 + 20lbs 2xbw!!!
RDL 185x10 205x10 205x5, was exhausted from squats and step ups
Calf Raise 360 2x10 +40lbs
Split Stance Cable Push 2x8 25
Split Stance Cable Pull 2x8 30, 35
Jump Squat 60 2x15

Weight: 146 +6lbs