A “schooner” of beer is the same size as a “normal” can: 375mls.
From what I can find on this study, the guys were tested on a leg-extension machine. The exercise was described briefly as “eccentric”.
The alcohol consumption was based around one fluid gram of alcohol and the calculation worked out that for a 100kg male it would only need 5 drinks of beer (typically) to retard recovery, reduce testosterone and various other things to do with cortisoids (??? - probably got that bit wrong, but it was an issue with corti-something).
And turns out the tests were done using orange juice. One bunch of guys had just straight orange juice. The other guys had the orange juice which was spiked with alcohol. So neither group (allegedly) knew whether they had been given alcohol or, at least, whether both groups had been given alcohol.
There was a test, then a drinking session, then another test after 36hrs and then a final test at 60hrs. The test after 60hrs on the graph I saw showed that the performance was still significantly below the level of the initial test pre-pissup.