Respiratory Muscle Endurance Training

I’ve read some interesting stuff on this topic in PUBMed searches…have any of you come in contact with/ or incorporate into your training.
Here’s a link about one of the devices that are offered for Use with Respiratory muscle endurance training and a link for an article about it.

The link won’t open for me at the moment but I will throw some info out anyway.

I used one of these religiously for an entire season in college The only performance benefit I noticed was that I could spit alot further after using it. It may have provided a negligible performance benefit but it wasn’t enough to warrant its continued use.

Here are some interesting research links about the effects of RMET.Please let me know what you think/comments…
…Link down on the page for the full article.

Looks good to me. You could give it a shot. The longest distances I ran were 400m so maybe it could help your 15?

i have a inspiratory muscle trainer… there is a study in the user guide that basically says that people who used it had lower blood lactate levels after a ride to exhaustion, surely that would deem it helpful to a 400m runner?

anton400…which resp. trainer do you have?are you happy with it?do you “feel” a difference…?thanks

its called powerbreathe, and i think its great. i use it once a day 30 breathes gradually increasing the resistance. leading up to my PB for the 100 i was using it religiously and it gave me a little something extra i belive