Reps in the GPP phase

I think if you include one good intense accel dev/weight workout a week in GPP and have another higher rep weights session or bodyweight circuit during the week you can maintain your strength pretty well while still being able to develop a strong base.

I personally find anything over 8 reps a little much in any exercise (weights) but doing sets of 8 explosively with good power once a week and then a heavier session of 3-5 reps after accel work once a week will not harm your max strength significantly. The variety in stimulus might actually help if you are stale. :slight_smile:

For core lifts like squats and deads I never go over 5-6 reps, but for exercises like bench, shoulder press, chins, rows etc 8 reps explosively is no problem.

I think doing a combination of both is important during GPP with the emphasis on building a sound base. (hills, circuits, intervals)

Agreed! With all things, the result gets the final word!