RegenerationLab - The Resource

i am interested as well, i have read many of the articles but i always like to go back and reread!!!

Frit17, I will email you the “doc” sent to me. I just got a voicemail from a client that speaks highly of you. Too bad you moved! Send me an email to me and I will add you to my new contact list.

Clemson, Obviously the amount of information that you have written is huge and also very useful. However most of the information on this site and your old site is only in english. If you wish I can translate everything into spanish for you, so that you can have a spanish version available. I also made this offer to Charlie, but I received no reply, Rupert, if you guys are interested then I can do this over the summer and have hopefully by the end of january CFTS in Spanish.

If either yourself Clemson or Rupert are interested in my offer, then just PM me, and I’ll get to work straight away.



RecoveryLab isn’t public, is (or was i don’t know) a private network, sometime go down (often), because is a ftp private access.

Clemson, when i received your email, i contacted the webmaster…a little error of a young guy, but i repeat, no money make from that site.
I don’t think this is a great problem…

And then, i’m a witness…


I saw the site, it was running the electric blue color scheme, but beyond that I dont even think it was running fulltime.
