RegenerationLab - The Resource

i am interested as well, i have read many of the articles but i always like to go back and reread!!!

I have to note that if we catch anyone with our content being used without permission, it will be known as “high noon” and you will be promptly escorted out of the club and to the parking lot Soprano’s style :).


Is this “data” property of or Clemson?

Our data is our property, whatever we decide to publish from third parties is by licence.


So to clarify in simple terms as it relates to this thread, if Nik were to send the word doc he has of RL files and it came to your attention both he and the recipient would be banned?

No, what you do with RL content is your business.

If we for example were to discover that you were harvesting content from our website and distributing/transmitting it without our consent you’d be banned. Our content is for your enjoyment only, you dont have rights to use it whatsoever.


Thanks for clearing that up, that was my understanding of the situation.

I guess my next question is for Clemson, is it ok for the sharing of the doc file?

True… I dont think is morally correct to copy-paste content from “our” :smiley: and use it for selfish purposes… (actually I have a base of interesting thread at my comp, but who wants them, search them)

Clemson, what happened to There is nothing… did you “sell” domain, or what?

Clemson, I found some of your articles (Core calc., tempo and the beast) but I would like to have them all because they are great read! So, I dont know if you are willing to do some time-consuming job to collect all of your articles in one archive for just couple of members here, but I thing that I could say in the name of all us interested, WE WOULD BE VERY THANKSFULL!

RL was great, I just tried to get it from the wayback machine but there isn’t much there it seems.

What I have worked on is owned by me and or the website that I write for. If you are using the articles on T-nation that I wrote with Mike Robertson you must follow T-nations rules. As for you must read their policy on the matters. Any posts I write here are property of and again listen to Rupert.

As for I shut down the site because I was ready to move on and for other reasons. I wrote one article and I was attacked by lawyers and other professionals that didn’t like my reviews of crap coaching.

Regenerationlab was my second generation of a voice. What I don’t like are those demanding articles from me since I give up a lot (social life) to help others since I was given a lot by great people. It raised money for a friend of mine and then slowed down because very few readers supported. If every reader gave 20 bucks it would have been funded for life. But I paid webpeople and even an artist to make it top notch. Thanks to many that have helped fund it and we used the money to see Charlie and his team with great results.

NOTE: One member on this site a few years ago made a site called recoverylab or similar with links to my site and made money doing it. His antics cost me money (lawyers fees) and even his color scheme was similar. Thanks to Carlo Bucachelli (spelling) I was able to kiss that guy goodbye.

Instead of saying feed me people should try to help. Shaf helped me greatly by archiving it and now I just have to edit the pages and stick the photos together. I do plan to do something with it but again someone should speak up and help instead of saying “email me a copy”.

So if someone has the .doc of the content you should send me a copy since I don’t even have it cut and pasted into word yet. I then can place in photos, update the content, and even add more to articles that are lean. I may even start another site if I see a way to be compensated. I work a full time job plus coach athletes over 30 hours and enjoy other things besides athletic performance.

I just feel like a site should be open source but I agree with Rupert in his agressive views of content restrictions. People should contribute and help and things would be better. If you like what I have to say in my articles I expect loyalty to those that help me voice what I have to say by purchasing the equipment/services/product at those sites that host what I write. Also others should share more but perhaps I should let NumberTwo explain again the reality of time.

Check your mailbox Clemson.

I don’t think anybody was disputing copyrights or policies. Certainly in my case that was why I posted the questions I did, to get unequivocal clarification from you and Rupert which you have provided.

I also didn’t get the impression anyone was demanding you write anything, instead it appeared to be more a request as the articles were highly regarded.

I wont comment on the money or site aspect as I only visited the site a couple of times and in all honesty found it difficult to navigate, appears it was my loss.

has your doc got the pics, too, per article? Or just text? Let me know…

The ebook is on. It will be available in January. Thanks to one member it will not only be compiled it will be edited. Under the comment tags in the old site people did make “DEMANDS” and complained about the frequency. The site was hard to view and hence why a ebook will work better.

At least Livestrong has done something. If you can’t train hard you can at least day dream about and rip my site off and spread it without permission. I don’t mind just ask first.

Instead of going around crying about me “ripping” off your website, you could possibly get your facts straight before pointing any fingers. I had nothing to do with copying the file off your site, my brother is the one who did it and he DID ask your permission. I have sent it to 4 members on the site, and don’t see why it is a problem considering it was posted for free and my brother actually took the time to save the information. You told my brother to print the information off before it was lost, and that is what he did. Now am I missing something of how this is “ripping” you off?

My point exactly…(as to the BS that stupid cut and paste monkeys bring the the table).


Shut up.


It’s non true.
These are the facts:
Recovery Lab was born in the early 1996 (or '97) and was a little network of therapists, students and doctors, for share informations ed experience.
Clemson, you wrote me and not to Carlo Buzzichelli and I changed the graphic.
My error was give to a young webmaster the develop of the website.
RecoveryLab didn’t sell service, no money did.
Sorry if this give you GREAT…problems, but the facts are these.

It’s non true.
These are the facts:
Recovery Lab was born in the early 1996 (or '97) and was a little network of therapists, students and doctors, for share informations ed experience.
Clemson, you wrote me and not to Carlo Buzzichelli and I changed the graphic.
My error was give to a young webmaster the develop of the website.
RecoveryLab didn’t sell service, no money did.
Sorry if this give you GREAT…problems, but the facts are these.


I wake up and read an email from Carlo with a link to that had…

(1) My elitefts article up with no mention of my name.

(2) My colorsheme with the same HTML colors.

(3) Same logo font and style

(4) Cloned page layout with icons and structure

Where is now?

KTolbert saw it as well as many (Rupert?) and it was carbon copy of my site.


I have sent it to 4 members on the site, and don’t see why it is a problem considering it was posted for free and my brother actually took the time to save the information. You told my brother to print the information off before it was lost, and that is what he did. Now am I missing something of how this is “ripping” you off?

Free? I write donation articles not “free stuff”. The purpose of the site (I am sure your brother copied and pasted my sponsor image so the members would send money to gymrat1977) was to raise money. Printing a copy for yourself was fine…but offering my content to the internet was not what I requested. The site was sponsored by BSL and thanks to them it will rise again.