RB34 Comeback Program Part 2

Week 9: (MS block # 3 of week 2)
Mon: 420
Warmup C
2x30 sled (lighter sled pulls)
2x30 blk
3xflys 40-20
2x60 40m/blk
hurdle hops 5x5
zino x3
400 jog/walk
MB core x100
hc/dj x3 3x3
sq/rocket jump x3 3x3x80% of 3rm
hyper complex/cont bj x5 3x10

I decided to split the weights into lower/upper over these next 3 weeks because I don’t want to have 3-4 days of no high intensity work.

Week 9: Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri
Week 10-11: Mon-Tue-Wed-Thur

Tue: 900
Warmup A
1x300 3min rest
2x150 2min rest
3x100 1min rest
400 walk/jog
ab circuit x20sec
planks x30sec
bp brx10 55x3 65x3 75x3 85x3
1a: t bar row 3x8
1b: rear delts 3x10
bic/tri 3x10

Wed: 320
Warmup W
2x40 3pt
3x80 standing/4mins
skip series
A’s 4x30
200 jog
MB core x100
pc/dj x3 3x3
sq/rocket jump x3 3x3x70% of 3rm
rdl/1 leg bj x8 3x5

Skip series:
STJ x3
VJ x3
3 step VJ x3
1 leg jump x3
Hurdle hops x5


Huh? wtf…

After doing jack shit for about 12 days I need a little GPP:

Wk 1 - GPP:
5min tread jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
bp 55x5/62.5x5/70x5/77.5x5/85x5
pullups 3x10
db sh press 3x10
GPP 3rds
Bike tempo: 2x10x45on/15off level 1-5/120+rpm

Couple hrs after the training session I got some ART and it went really wel. The plan for this week was to do all work on the bike or treadmill but after the therapy session he wants me to return to the track Wednesday morning. Overall the hamstring was good, but I had some tightness in my upper hamstring/glute area and the glutes wasn’t firing properly.

After reconfirming what I thought, I need to decide if I want to continue with my outdoor season or cash it in and move on to bigger and better things.

When I saw Chris yesterday I was at a 10 after the treatment session I was about 2-3, gonna give it until early next week to see how things go and if I need to go in for another session. The track club I joined does a good mix of tempo and low vol speed should help keep me healthy.

Damn, I so want to finish my next two indoor meets and get down into mid 6.8’s!!!

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
3x60 accels
2x300 5min rest/7 btw sets
4x200 3min rest

Gotta hit the weights tonight around 7ish…

pc 6x2 range from 185-245
sq 55x5/62.5x5/70x5/77.5x5/85x5
box jump 3x5
gh/erect bends 3x10xbw-10-10
bike 5mins

First lower body session will be a lighter clean day and heavier squat. Overall not a bad session, haven’t really power clean with a decent weight in over a year.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
3x60 accels
6x40x25lbs sled pulls rest 2mins
pause db ip 3x6
bar rows 3x10
cg bp+ham curls 2x10

Good to see you aint give up

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
3x60 accels
6x250 4min rest
pc 8x2 185-275
db rev lunge 3x8
gh 5x10
abs x100

GPP-Wk 2:
Mar 01
800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
mb throws x20
3x300 6mins walk
bp 62.5x3/70x3/77.5x3/85x3/92.5x3
bp 1x10x135 fast
1a: db sh press 3x10
1b: pullups 3x10

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
2 laps striders @ 80% (sprint, walk, sprint, walk)
2 x block starts 55-55-45-45 3mins rest

First day in spikes in long time, didn’t have blocks so all sprints were from a 3pt stance.

Weights tonight!!

pc 6x2x225 rest 60sec
sq 62.5x3/70x3/77.5x3/85x3/92.5x3
gh 3x10

One more week of max strength before moving to a power block.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
1x60 accel
3x200 3mins walk
2x2x30m sled pulls

Power endurance work today, working on the last 20m of my 100 and last 50m of the 200. Lower back was extremely tight from the weights, had to take two advil before training session. The plan is to get another ART session Friday, I hope after this second session I am 100% because I am thirsty to race the 200m.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
1x60m accel
4x150 6min rest
2 x standing starts 45, 35, 25 3min/5min rest
db ip 3x10
bar row 3x10
tate press/db combo curls 3x10

Good session came through the finish line 3-4sec faster then what I was suppose to, better not cost me in tomorrow session.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
mb throws x20
3x100 easy accels
300 7mins rest
200 5mins rest
200 5mins rest
75 various abs

ART went well, weights later tonight!!

pc 8x2x245
1a: bar rev lunge 3x8
1b: gh 4x10 (bw-10-bw-10)

How fast are those 200-300m runs?

47/26-27, in trainers on a indoor track.