Question on tempo times...

The athlete is an 18 year old 175-180lbs male running 10 100m laps at 18s a piece on a 4 cornered track (don’t ask). First of all, what category do these runs fall in? Are they decent? Second of all…with an educated guess approximately what would his max 100m time be?

Yes, the athlete is me haha. I’m not too sure where my times fall under…I know the 0.75 rule but I’m not sure if I’m calculating it right (nevermidnt he fact that I’m doing it backwards - deriving max time from tempo)

I don’t think you can arrive at any approximation that is worthwhile (I know you said nevermind it, but I think that’s impossible). I think below 13 and above 10 is about all you can say.

That’s what I figured, thought I’d give it a chance though (one can hope, yes? ;))

Are those times considered slow? Decent? Or is that not possible without max time to compare to…

Not possible. There are 10.2-10.3 guys on this board that run 20+ second 100s for tempo in a straight line. Water buffalo pace, if you will, according to Charlie.

If it’s truly 75%, that seems decent for a square track (how or why would you even run on that?).

Haha, water buffalo…I like that.

The only other track I have access to is a 400m at the University, although due to my schedule I’m never able to take advantage of it. So I go to my local public facility which used to be a private club for Canada’s swimming and gymnastic athletes (Etobicoke Olympium). I’m sure Charlie’s been there a few times if not at Centennial itself (where the facility is located). The tracks in the basement indoors, and people look at me as if I’m nuts doing my timed runs around the thing but hey…have to do what you have to do right? :slight_smile:

On Edit: The track is not square if that’s what you’re thinking! Hahaha. It’s an oval track with 4 “turns”, but the length of the longest lane being 114m once around the oval.