Question on Isos

i had a fecal length PR today… feeling pretty drained.


I don’t understand what “fecal length” is.

John, this link isn’t really working… is it just me?

stuff that comes from ur butt. :slight_smile:


And this relates to isos because… :o


And this relates to isos because…

i can’t speak for Schroeder… but, to me it only makes sense that if you have good isometric strength endurance in the glutes/anal sphincter, fecal length will increase.

this can be used along with heart rate in the morning, to judge the current state of the organism. AREG ANYONE???

that’s my last post on this topic. some methods are best left untold.


sorry do a search using “James Colbert” as subject

haha - i was waiting for him to be brought up, hehe.

anyway - James must be flying by now!!! Its been maybe 2yrs for him? Must be pushing close to 10.20 i recon?

Before I post my question, I must explain the PBs phenomena after iso’s. Everything works, but nothing works forever. Kicking out ordinary stuff and switching to iso’s may provide unload and taper and thus increase perfomance indirectly (unmask fitness by removing fatigue). So, be carefull how do you interpret your results.

On another side… the feeling of ‘easiness’ may have nothing to do with increased performance. Hold a DB in your hand for 2 mins, and release it. Your arm will feel lighter. This have to do with proprioceptions and nothing with your arm being actually lighter. Your perception of effort may be decreased after ‘acid burn’ of isos, and any dynamic movement afterward may feel easy (yet the performance may not be increased). Time your 40. Do isos. Time your 40 again. Compare! If it feels ‘light’ but you are slower who gives a s*it. How does this fit into more longer adaptation compared to acute effects (simmilar to complex methods utilizing PTP - post-tetanic potentiation)???

I as a strength coach would love to know WHY the hell am I doing something. If I stood in front of 30 spoiled soccer players and say do walking lunges across the field I would know why I am doing it. If said do 3x6 lunges with barbell I would also know why I am doing it and how it fit into my system. But If I say hold split squat for 3mins and someone asks me why we are doing this… if I don’t know the answer, and I don’t, then I am screwed.

On my opinion long duration isos may:

  1. Increase mental thoughness whatever that be
  2. Increase flexibility
  3. Increase the connective tissue strength (due muscle LA accumulation due blood occlusion, which may stimulate GH and thus connective tissue synthesis)
  4. Work around injury without dynamic movement

That last one - a big yes! realy good for physical therapy when one has trouble doing movement related exercise.

You left out no5, dynamic iso hold over the toilet before measurements!
(actually, there are some interesting points here)

All good points but the fact is (as I think you already are suggesting) that all the above can be improved easier ways

Great post moj prijatelj

I have a question for the people who have used them. Are you supposed to contract the targeted muscles as hard as you can?

My assumption here is:
decrease of the feel of effort > more relaxation > better technique > better times
But I cannot yet offer personal evidence on this.

Keep Charlies #5 in there :rolleyes:
How about:
6. Ability to absorve force better and PREVENT injuries. Which might as well be an outcome of #3 ?

No, all you need to concentrate on is holding the position. The muscle contracts by default.

I could write out a good-sized paper on the topic at hand, but I’m going to keep it brief.

In laboratory tests and field studies of all kinds it is apparent that hypoxia leads to a shift towards a faster twitch profile. Patients suffering from sleep apnea have muscle fibers in their throats transform to fast twitch fibers. Rats stored in cages with below normal levels of oxygen change to a faster twitch profile. And kaatsu training, which focuses on occlusion to produce results, results in a large scale hypertrophy of type II fibers. Like I said, hypoxia general means more type II.

Now, this fits in with long duration ISOs in that the muscle contraction during the ISO acts to block off blood flow (anywhere from totally to partially, depending on load) thus creating a hypoxic environment within the trained muscles. In theory, prolonged exposure to this hypoxic environment will cause a shift towards displaying more type II muscle mass.

So, if you believe this, long duration ISOs are a way to hypertrophy the right kinds of fibers without applying high intensity stimuli.

Also, I believe the LA buildup is probably useful for building connective tissue strength as well. And since flexibility is mainly neurological, spending large amounts of time in the stretch is a great way to “teach” an athlete to have a greater ROM.

There are other issues as well including the length tension relationship etc… ischemic strength training ideas have been around for ages. Eric Serrano presented them at Swis in 2005.

Interesting theory rj…
Anyway, I guess that during iso hold (BW lunge, squat, good morning) the load is very low to actually recruit FT fiber, so you must hold it half of the day to fatigue STfiber which will recruit FT to maintain level of force. Maybe ‘tremor’ experience (shaking) has to do with MU synchonization (which may later on imporove starting strength - explosivness by limiting gradation in recruitment and hiting al MU at once - synchronization)???
Is ischemic condition per se responible for qualitative changes in FT and ST fiber without actually the need to recruit them (FT ones)???

Can someone explain to me the difference between an extended time iso and a static stretch?