Question of the year towards lifting

Charlie I was re-reading speed trap again and noticed you were able to get your bench up to 345 in only 6- 12 weeks and you hadnt done bench since you retired from track. You were only testing it out. With such a long layoff too, How did you do this. That is unreal!!! I seems impossible no matter what you do… I am thinking about changing my lifting program to a wave method used by the russians.


My old way of lifting followed just a 5 pound increase in the traditional powerliting method each week. Can you expand on the methods you used to get your bench up in such a short amount of time??? As far as the mathmatics behind it? Which do you prefer the wave method or the traditional powerlifting method. Could you give an example of a 4 cycle for bench?

Remember that not everyone can improve at the same rate in the same exercise, all else equal, probably dependant upon the individual’s physiology. This is stressed more than once in the weightlifting encyclopedia.

muscle memory.

Charlie’s jump first time from 180-300+ was also staggeringly quick as well.